Philip Rubin
(George Mason University)
10/03/2009 17:00
In the six-quark Standard Model, flavor changing due to the weak force is described by a unitary transformation represented by the 3 × 3 matrix, known as the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix. The elements of this matrix, constrained theoretically by unitarity, must be determined experimentally. By investigating e+ e- collisions around the charm-quark threshold, the CLEO-c experiment has...
Meenakshi Narain
(Brown University)
10/03/2009 17:20
I will cover results from CDF and DZero on top quark
properties, specifically the top mass, top charge, W helicity
in top decays, and top anomalous couplings.
Thomas Schwarz
(University of California Davis USA)
10/03/2009 17:40
Enrique Palencia
10/03/2009 18:00
We present the first observation of the single top quark production at the Fermilab Tevatron
experiments, CDF and D0. After applying the event selection, there is a small expected signal
hidden under large and uncertain backgrounds.In order to further separate signal from background
events, highly sophisticated methods are needed. The results of the different analyses performed
by both...
Gudrun Hiller
10/03/2009 18:20
I review opportunities from flavor physics for collider searches and b-physics.
Andreas Winhart
(University of Mainz)
10/03/2009 18:40
The SM prediction for the ratio of purely leptonic decay rates of the charged kaon $R_K=\Gamma(K_{e2}/\Gamma(K_{\mu2}))$ has an excellent sub-permille precision. Due to the helicity suppression of the SM contribution, the ratio is sensitive to non-SM effects; in particular, LFV contributions in the MSSM can modify it by a few percent without contradicting any other presently known experimental...