Rainer Sommer Sommer
09/03/2009 10:10
We give a short account of the present status of the computation
of QCD matrix elements needed for connecting experimental
B- and D-meson decays to the fundamental electroweak Lagrangian.
We then emphasise present developments, in particular the
European Coordinated Lattice Simulations. These provide
perspectives for precision determinations with all sources of errors
accounted for.
Fabrizio Bianchi
(Dipartimento di Fisica Sperimentale, Turin, Italy)
09/03/2009 10:40
Aoife Bharucha
(IPPP, Durham)
09/03/2009 17:15
The rare decay B -> K* (-> K pi) mu+ mu- is regarded as one of the crucial channels for B physics as the polarization of the K* allows a precise angular reconstruction resulting in many observables that offer new important tests of the Standard Model and its extensions. These angular observables can be expressed in terms of CP-conserving and CP-violating quantities which we study in terms of...
Joao Costa
09/03/2009 17:55
This presentation covers the recent BaBar results on a search for a light Higgs
decaying to mu+mu- in Y(3S) decays as well as the searches for charged lepton
flavor violation in the decays Y(3S) -> l tau (l=e,mu) and of tau -> 3l (l=e,mu)
Andrzej Bozek
(H. Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Cracow, Poland)
09/03/2009 18:15
Amarjit Soni
(Brookhaven National Lab , NY, USA)
09/03/2009 18:50
Elisabetta Baracchini
(University of California Irvine USA)
09/03/2009 19:10