Laura Lopez Honorez
(Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)
13/03/2009 08:30
In my talk, I will present our recent work on Coupled Dark matter-Dark
energy model.
I will show the results of our analysis of background and first order
perturbation evolution equations. In particular, I will clarify the origin
of early time non-adiabatic large scales instabilities, and point out a
viable class of model in which the interaction in directly proportional
to the dark...
Zelimir Djurcic
(Columbia University)
13/03/2009 08:50
Mayly Sanchez
(Argonne National Laboratory)
13/03/2009 09:10
MINOS is a long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment designed to make precision measurements of the neutrino mixing parameters associated with the atmospheric neutrino mass splitting. Using a neutrino beam from the Main Injector (NuMI) facility at Fermilab, it compares the neutrino energy spectrum for charged current muon neutrino interactions observed in two large detectors located at...
Natalia Di Marco
(L'Aquila University & INFN)
13/03/2009 09:35
The OPERA experiment aims at measuring the numu->nutau oscillation through the nutau appearance in an almost pure numu beam produced at CERN SPS, 730 Km far from the detector. The nutau appearance signal is detected through the measurement of the decay daughter particles of the tau lepton produced in CC nutau interaction.
Since the short-lived tau particle owns, at the energy of the beam,...
Daniel Hernández
(Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Theoretical Physics Department)
13/03/2009 10:10
I tackle non standard neutrino interactions (NSIs) from the perspective of effective field theories. A general overview of the theoretical aspects of the subject will be given along with current experimental bounds. Our recent work on the constraints implied by the Standard Model gauge symmetries, along with some examples of possible gauge invariant NSI models, is provided.