Fabrizio Petrucci
(Universita' Roma Tre - Dipartimento di Fisica)
The study of Standard Model (SM) physics is very important at the LHC.
Before any discovery can be claimed a detailed understanding
of the detectors should be reached and benchmark SM processes should be
measured. A precise measurement of the various parameters is crucial as a
consistecy check of the SM. Moreover, SM processes can be directly sensitive
to new physics, they will allow to test QCD predictions and measure PDFs and
are backgrounds for many new physics channels. In this report, the status
of some analysis at ATLAS and CMS is reported focusing on W and Z inclusive
cross sections and on W and top quark mass measurements. Results on early
data (awaited before the end of the year) are also shown.
Auteur principal
Fabrizio Petrucci
(Universita' Roma Tre - Dipartimento di Fisica)