7–14 mars 2009
La Thuile
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Scalar Dark Matter and DAMA

12 mars 2009, 17:00
La Thuile

La Thuile

Rencontres de Moriond Planibel Hotel - La Thuile Aosta Valley 11016 La Thuile (Aosta), Italy Phone : 39 (0)1 65 88 45 41 Fax : 39 (0)1 65 88 45 35


Mlle Sarah Andreas (Institut für Theoretische Physik E, RWTH Aachen University, D-52056 Aachen)


A light scalar WIMP is studied in view of the recent results of the DAMA collaboration. In a scenario where both the WIMP's annihilation and its elastic scattering on nuclei occur dominantly through Higgs exchange, a one-to-one relation between the WIMP’s relic density and its spin-independent direct detection rate is established. The ratio of the relevant cross sections depends only on the dark matter mass if the range allowed by the DAMA results (m < 10 GeV) is considered. We show that if such a light scalar WIMP possesses a direct detection rate compatible with DAMA, it naturally obtains a relic abundance in agreement with WMAP. Indirect detection both with gammas from the Galactic centre and neutrinos from the Sun opens possibilities to test this light dark matter scenario.

Auteurs principaux

Prof. Michel H.G. Tytgat (Service de Physique Théorique, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Boulevard du Triomphe, CP225, 1050 Brussels, Belgium) Mlle Sarah Andreas (Institut für Theoretische Physik E, RWTH Aachen University, D-52056 Aachen) Prof. Thomas Hambye (Service de Physique Théorique, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Boulevard du Triomphe, CP225, 1050 Brussels, Belgium)

Documents de présentation