Amanda Porta
(CEA Saclay)
Double Chooz main target is to measure the Theta13 oscillation parameter by comparing the reactor neutrino fluxes in two identical detectors located respectively at 400 m and 1 km away from the 2 Chooz reactor cores.
The detector target consists of 10 m3 of Gd-doped liquid scintillator surrounded by a 55 cm-thick g-catcher of non-loaded liquid scintillator. This central part is observed by 390 photomultipliers immersed in a non-scintillating mineral oil buffer of thickness 105 cm. The buffer is surrounded by a 50 cm-thick liquid scintillator muon veto and by a 15 cm passive steel shielding. An extra plastic scintillator muon veto is placed on the top of the detector.
The far detector is now under construction, while we are in the last design phase of the near one.
The expected sensitivity for the phase 1 (far detector only, 1.5 years of statistics) is sin^2(2 Theta13)>0.06 (90% C.L., Dm^2(atm)=2.5 10^-3 eV^2), while it is sin^2(2 Theta13)>0.03 (90% C.L., Dm^2(atm)=2.5 10^-3 eV^2 ) for the phase 2 (3 years of data taking with the 2 detectors).
A brief report on the present status of the detector construction will be presented.
Auteur principal
Amanda Porta
(CEA Saclay)