12–16 juin 2017
IN2P3 computing center
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

HSC data meets LSST code

13 juin 2017, 14:45
Amphitheatre (IN2P3 computing center)


IN2P3 computing center


Robert Lupton (Princeton University)


The HSC is an 800 MPixel imager on the 8.2m Subaru telescope, carrying out a 1400 deg^2 week lensing survey. In many ways this survey is an LSST precursor, and we are reducing the data using prototype LSST pipelines. I shall discuss the state of the pipelines that we are using for the next data release, paying especial attention to algorithms that we know will need to be refined before we can meet LSST requirements.
Topic: LSST stack beyond LSST

Documents de présentation