Jun 12 – 16, 2017
IN2P3 computing center
Europe/Paris timezone

About the hackathon

About the hackathon

This information is intended to the participants registered to attend the hackathon on June 16th.

The goal of this less structured work session is to provide participants a working space to conduct focused group activities. It will be held on a meeting room equipped with a whiteboard, a video projector, tables and chairs (as opposed to an amphitheathre-style room).

For getting things started, information about the current and future capabilities of the LSST software framework (a.k.a. "the stack") will be presented and demonstrated by one of the expert developers. As a participant, you will be provided with a Python notebook-based environment to try things out if you so wish, with real data from the Hyper Suprime-cam (HSC) telescope.

In addition, current users of the stack will also share their experience using it for processing images taken by the CFHT telescope.

You can share your ideas of hacks to try during this session in this file.