Jun 12 – 16, 2017
IN2P3 computing center
Europe/Paris timezone


This event was organized as 3-days workshop devoted to discuss data processing challenges in large imaging surveys. It was preceded by a 1-day school and followed by 1-day hackathon. The whole event was held in the same location, with no parallel sessions.


Monday, June 12th: astronomical image processing school
Tuesday to Thursday, June 13th-15th: workshop
Friday, June 16th: hackathon


The workshop was intended for astronomers and scientists developing astronomical image processing algorithms and software, people in charge of the data processing and data management for large surveys, as well as computer scientists involved in these projects.

Experts from the LSST Data Management and DESC science working groups, as well as from other large photometric surveys such as Euclid and DES also participated.

The school was intended for young scientists, PhD students, postdocs and senior scientists not familiar with astronomical image processing. Introductory lectures will cover basics of instrument response correction, photometry, astrometry and calibration.

The hackathon was organised around the use of the LSST science pipelines (a.k.a. the stack) and associated tools.

The event was well attended by a diverse community.


Workshop Programme

  • Pushing the frontiers in astrometry and photometry
  • Large photometric surveys
  • LSST software stack beyond LSST
  • Computing infrastructure, data management and data bases for imaging surveys

Please refer to the Scientific Programme section for more details on the programme.

Participants willing to present their work related to one of the main subjects of the workshop 
listed above were encouraged to submit a contribution. Details available in the Call for Abstracts section.



This event is sponsored by the LSSTC Enabling Science Committee and by the institutions below:

IN2P3 computing center
21 Avenue Pierre de Coubertin CS70202 69627 VILLEURBANNE Cedex FRANCE Lat: 45°46'57.8"N Lon: 4°51'54.9"E