13–20 mars 2011
La Thuile
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Z' bosons and friends

15 mars 2011, 09:20
La Thuile

La Thuile

Rencontres de Moriond Planibel Hotel - La Thuile Aosta Valley 11016 La Thuile (Aosta), Italy Phone : 39 (0)1 65 88 45 41 Fax : 39 (0)1 65 88 45 35
Ordinary Theory Beyond the Standard Model


Dr Manuel Perez-Victoria (University of Granada)


I will explain how SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1) gauge invariance can be used to classify all possible extra vector bosons in arbitrary extensions of the Standard Model. The full symmetry also restricts their interactions significantly, and leads to a model independent parametrization. I will then present updated/new limits on the couplings and masses of the new vector particles, arising from global fits to electroweak precision data. I will also discuss the interplay with Higgs physics and the possibility of relaxing the limits when several extra particles are included in the analysis. Finally, I will comment on LHC searches.

Auteur principal

Dr Manuel Perez-Victoria (University of Granada)


Prof. Francisco del Aguila (University of Granada) Dr Jorge de Blas (University of Notre Dame)

Documents de présentation