First ASTRANUCAP workshop

CSIC / Universidad Computense de Madrid

CSIC / Universidad Computense de Madrid


The first workshop of the ASTRANUCAP (Astrophysics, STructure, Reactions, and Analysis with NUClear beams and APplications) community will be held at Madrid on November 18th - 19th 2024.


The main goal of this International Research Network is to coordinate the activity of the French and Spanish groups working jointly in three of the major subfields defined by NuPECC: Nuclear Structure and Dynamics, Nuclear Astrophysics and Nuclear Physics Tools and Applications. This framework aims to strengthen existing collaborations and identify and promote new ones.


The scientific program will cover:

  • nuclear structure

  • nuclear fission

  • nuclear astrophysics

  • nuclear theory

  • applied physics

  • Asunción Fernández
  • David Godos Valencia
  • Gustavo Adolfo Alcalá Escalona
  • Ignasio Wakudyanaye
  • José-Enrique García-Ramos
  • Laurie Dienis
  • Miguel Lozano-González
  • Muriel Fallot
  • Nicolas DE SEREVILLE
  • Pablo Martín Higueras
  • Teresa Kurtukian Nieto
  • Ángel-Miguel Sánchez-Benítez
L'ordre du jour de cette réunion est vide