Indisponibilité programmée / Scheduled outage

Nous procéderons à une opération de maintenance le mercredi 12 mars 2025 à 8h00 (CET).

  • Indico sera indisponible durant cette opération.
  • La durée prévisionnelle d'indisponibilité est estimée à une heure.

We will be performing maintenance on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, at 8:00 AM (CET).

  • Indico will be unavailable during this operation.
  • The estimated downtime is one hour.
25–28 sept. 2023
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

A Visible QCD Axion Portal to GeV-Scale Dark Matter

28 sept. 2023, 14:55
Auditorium Vivargent (LAPTh)

Auditorium Vivargent


9 chemin de Bellevue Annecy-le-Vieux 74940 ANNECY


GIOVANNI ARMANDO (University of Pisa and INFN)


We consider a model involving a visible QCD axion with mass in the MeV range with flavour non-universal couplings to the Standard Model (SM) first generation quarks and with all the SM leptons. Such a heavy axion must evade a variety of stringent constraints which precisely fix the couplings to the SM fields. While this heavy axion cannot be a Dark Matter (DM) candidate, as it decays promptly, we show that it can act as a portal to a dark sector. By letting the axion couple to a DM fermion $\chi$, we solve the Boltzmann equations to find the regions of the parameter space that yield the correct relic abundance. The coupling of the DM with the electrons is subject to indirect detection constraints from the CMB, while those with the light quarks induce elastic DM-nucleus collisions that are subject to nuclear recoil constraints. This restricts the allowed region of the parameter space that reproduces the correct relic abundance to the GeV mass range and PQ charges of O(0.1).

Auteurs principaux

M. Francesco Paolo Di Meglio (IFIC, University of Valencia) GIOVANNI ARMANDO (University of Pisa and INFN) M. Joachim Weiss (Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich) Prof. Paolo Panci (University of Pisa and INFN) Dr Robert Ziegler (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Documents de présentation