Sep 25 – 28, 2023
Europe/Paris timezone

The workshop axions++ is aimed at providing a sweeping snapshot of the most topical aspects in the theory, phenomenology and experiments on axions and other light particles (that's the ++). It will take place from the 25th of September (Monday) to the 28th of September 2023  at LAPTh in Annecy, France.

The workshop includes one day (i.e. two successive half days) of invited lectures (1h 15' each) providing broad and accessible overviews on all the core topics, followed by two days of invited and contributed talks. We aim for a truly collaborative atmosphere, with ample room for discussions.

The lectures topics are:

The many physics cases for axions  Enrico Nardi, INFN Frascati and NICPB, Tallinn
Axions and gravity  Gia Dvali, LMU and MPI, Munich
Experimental landscape for axions and other light particles  Julia K. Vogel, Zaragoza Univ.
HEP phenomenology of axions and other light particles  Veronica Sanz, Sussex and Valencia
Astrophysical aspects  Maurizio Giannotti, Zaragoza Univ.
Axions and gravitational waves  Valerie Domcke, CERN TH Dept.


After the lectures part, a number of talks, some of which invited, will present topical research results in the theory, phenomenology and experiments on axions and other light particles. 



Organizing Committee:  

Francesca Calore
Christopher Eckner
Mark Goodsell
Diego Guadagnoli
Jérémie Quevillon 
Christopher Smith
Ludovico Vittorio


Funding: LAPTh, LAPP, ANR ("GrAHal"; "GammaRare"), GDR "Intensity Frontier", CPTGA

Auditorium Vivargent
9 chemin de Bellevue Annecy-le-Vieux 74940 ANNECY