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Lectures by Jerome Baudot and Pierre Billoir
The GDR-Intensity lectures: from theory to experiment and everything in between.
This series of lectures, organized in the framework of the GDR-InF, is devoted to topics currently of considerable interest in the high-intensity frontier. Two experts will dissect a given subject entirely on the virtual blackboard, starting from the basics. The lectures are aimed at people in the early stages of their research career, in particular PhD students and postdocs, but more senior researchers are more than welcome to attend.
This is first of a planned series of lectures on how particle physics detectors work and will focus on vertex detectors, tracking detectors, and tracking algorithms.
These lectures will first provide a pedagogical introduction and some historical context to then move to more details on the state of the art and future perspectives. More details on the content of each lecture can be found in the agenda below.
These lectures will be on held on zoom only
Monday: https://cern.zoom.us/j/64762633995?pwd=NWN3K0ZENGZ3RGtwQWJnY3pPR3lTdz09
Wednesday: https://cern.zoom.us/j/62282865404?pwd=Mkx6dUxwNXFHVkVmYzFQZkdCTEduZz09
Friday: https://cern.zoom.us/j/5602841283?pwd=a1B6UjhRbmR6c3J0bnNYaSt3djdLUT09