Excellent particle identification (PID) is an essential requirement for a future Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) detector. Identification of the hadrons in the final state is critical to study how different quark flavors contribute to nucleon properties. A detector based on the Detection of Internally Reflected Cherenkov light (DIRC) principle, with a radial size of only a few cm, is a great...
The Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) will cover a broad range in pseudorapidity,−4.5 ≤ η ≤ 4.5. To reconstruct particle tracks and momenta at all η values, gas tracking detectors with good momentum resolution will be needed in the forward (η > 1.0), backward (η < −1.0), and central (|η| ≤ 1.0) regions. The EIC handbook recommends tracking detectors capable of achieving momentum resolutions from σ p...
The 2015 Nuclear Science Advisory Committee Long Rang Plan identified the need for an electron-ion collider (EIC) facility as a gluon microscope with capabilities beyond those of any existing accelerator complex. To reach the required high energy, high luminosity, and high polarization, the eRHIC design, based on the existing heavy ion and polarized proton collider RHIC, adopts a very small...
A polarized beam dynamics software tool is developed at BNL, which is routinely used for on-going polarization studies regarding the EIC, at both BNL and Jefferson Lab. These developments are being supported and tightly benchmarked over the years in the general R/D context of RHIC collider spin physics program. They further lean on tight collaborations with others, in the frame FOA and SBIR...
The sPHENIX Collaboration at RHIC is upgrading the PHENIX detector in a way that will enable a comprehensive measurement of jets in relativistic heavy ion collisions. The upgrade will give the experiment full azimuthal coverage within a pseudorapidity range of $-1.1 < \eta < 1.1$. Parts of the apparatus might one day be the basis of an EIC experiment at BNL.
We have made significant progress...
Along with the development of Deep Inelastic Scattering experiments, there has been a growing interest to fully understand the nucleons structure. In particular, there is nowadays a great interest in the decomposition of its total angular momentum into orbital angular momentum (OAM) and intrinsic spin, as well as identifying contributions from valence quarks, sea quarks and gluons.
The most...
The early-time evolution of the system generated in ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions is dominated by the presence of strong color fields known as Glasma fields. These can be described following the classical approach embodied in the Color Glass Condensate effective theory, which approximates QCD in the high gluon density regime. In this framework we perform an analytical...
In 2018, an EIC Detector Design Study Group was formed to start considering in detail how an EIC detector could be built around the sPHENIX solenoid, formerly used by the BaBar experiment. A series of studies examining the design and physics performance for select options of calorimetry, tracking, and particle identification covering -4 to +4 in pseudorapidity has already been performed, and...
The discovery of the relation between the quantum energy-momentum tensor (EMT) and General Parton Distributions [1, 2] provides a unique way to study the EMT of the nucleon [3,4].
It was shown that the expectation value of the EMT for an unpolarized proton target in the Breit frame has the same structure as that of an anisotropic perfect fluid density [5,6]. Thus, in this case one can...
Hard processes in proton–nucleus or electron-nucleus collisions are powerful tools to investigate cold nuclear matter effects. Among various QCD processes, the Drell-Yan (DY) mechanism in proton-nucleus collisions and the production of hadrons in semi-inclusive DIS (SIDIS) allow for probing parton distribution functions in nuclei as well as parton energy loss effects.
In this talk, we...
While Compton Polarimetry has been successfully used for electron polarimetry at several facilities already, some parameters need to be carefully taken into account to be able to handle the large beam current available at an EIC.
I will present a preliminary design for the Compton Polarimeter currently focusing on detecting the scattered electron in the case of the JLEIC machine.
In this talk I will discuss the constraints imposed by Poincaré symmetry on the gravitational form factors appearing in the Lorentz decomposition of the energy-momentum tensor matrix elements. By adopting a distributional approach, one can prove non-perturbatively that the zero momentum transfer limits of the leading two form factors are completely independent of the spin of the states in the...
The electron-nucleus (and electron-proton) inclusive scattering cross section is a function of the center-of-mass energy, $\sqrt{s}$, and of two kinematic variables. Therefore, an accurate reconstruction of the event kinematics is vital at a future electron-ion collider. Various methods for reconstructing the event kinematics exist. For neutral-current processes, the kinematics can be...