4:00 PM
Properties of 229Th within the state-of-the-art nuclear DFT calculations
Jacek Dobaczewski
(University of York)
4:25 PM
Toroidal mode in nuclei
Jan Kvasil
(Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, MFF, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic)
4:50 PM
IMME within isospin-symmetry-breaking DFT
Wojciech Satula
(University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics, Institute of Theoretical Physics)
5:15 PM
High-K isomers in rare-earth neutron-rich nuclei by PNC-CSM method
Xiao-Tao He
(College of Material Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics)
5:40 PM
Multiple chiral doublets in four-j shells particle rotor model: five possible chiral doublet bands in 136Nd
Qibo Chen
(Peking University)
6:05 PM
Applications of equation of motion phonon method in various neutron-rich Oxygen and Calcium isotopes
Petr Vesely
(Nuclear Physics Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences)