14–19 janv. 2018
Centro Atomico Bariloche
Fuseau horaire America/Buenos_Aires

Non-geometric fluxes and non-associativity in M-theory

18 janv. 2018, 11:20
Aula de conferencias (Centro Atomico Bariloche)

Aula de conferencias

Centro Atomico Bariloche

Av E. Bustillo km 9,500 · San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro, Argentina


Dieter Lust


In this talk we discuss non-geometric fluxes in M-theory using exceptional field theory. We will point out that there is a new set of non-geometric fluxes in the R-R sector in the perturbative limit. We show that there are missing momenta conditions, induced by the fluxes. Finally the non-geometric fluxes together with the missing momenta lead to a non-associative phase space, which is related to the non-associative algebra of the octonions.

Documents de présentation