Transient Sky in 2020
In the framework of the French National Programme for High Energies (PNHE) the Transient Sky (TS2020) workshop will be held from June 20th afternoon to June 22th 2017 at LAL in Orsay, France.
Many instruments (LSST, SKA, CTA, SVOM, LIGO-Virgo, IceCube, KM3NeT …) will be in operation during the next decade and beyond. They will cover the whole electromagnetic spectrum and additional messengers like neutrinos and gravitational waves. In this context scientists have to be ready to face the additional challenges of time-domain astronomy.
This workshop will give an overview of the instruments (in which France is evolved) and of the expected scientific return. Transversally, it will focus on the different topics of time-domain astronomy: origin of the alerts (gamma-ray, x-ray, optical , multi-messengers), alert selection, alert monitoring, data management (virtual observatory, …), publication of the results. Some sessions will be dedicated to open discussion on the different topics.
With the support of PNHE and the University Paris-Sud, this workshop aims to federate the time-domain astronomy community.
It is an open workshop, without any registration fee.
WebPage of the workshop :