30 mai 2017 à 2 juin 2017
Impérial Palace
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

A new method for incorporating precession and higher-order modes in searches for compact binaries

31 mai 2017, 10:20
Impérial Palace

Impérial Palace

Allée de l'Impérial, Annecy
Contributed talk Binary Black Hole Science


Dr Joshua Willis (Abilene Christian University)


Advanced LIGO's current matched-filter searches for binary mergers model only the dominant mode of binaries whose orbital angular momentum is aligned with the total angular momentum. Some models of binary formation predict a population of systems where these simplifying assumptions will not hold, and so a search that includes them may be necessary to discriminate between these models. In this talk we describe a new technique for including the effects of higher-order modes and precession, that directly maximizes the likelihood over extrinsic parameters without a grid search.

Auteur principal

Dr Joshua Willis (Abilene Christian University)


Dr Badri Krishnan (Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics)

Documents de présentation