12–16 juin 2017
IN2P3 computing center
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

What LSST Will Deliver: Images, Catalogs, Alerts, Services

15 juin 2017, 09:30
Amphitheatre (IN2P3 computing center)


IN2P3 computing center

21 Avenue Pierre de Coubertin CS70202 69627 VILLEURBANNE Cedex FRANCE Lat: 45°46'57.8"N Lon: 4°51'54.9"E


Prof. Mario Juric (University of Washington)


The LSST is an integrated survey system. The observatory, telescope, camera and the data management systems will be built to conduct the LSST survey and will not support the 'PI mode' in the classical sense. Instead, the ultimate, science-enabling, deliverable of LSST will be the fully reduced data products and accompanying services. In this talk, we will present the baseline design and contents of LSST data products. "Level 1" data products will be generated continuously every observing night and include measurements such as alerts to objects that have changed brightness or position. "Level 2" data products will be made available as annual Data Releases and will include images and measurements of quantities such as positions, fluxes, and shapes, as well as variability information such as orbital parameters for moving objects and an appropriate compact description of light curves. These data will be made available through the LSST Science Platform -- a set of integrated services offered in LSST Data Access Centers. The Platform will enable efficient data access and querying, as well as execution of custom analyses and generation of added value data products. These will enable science beyond the capabilities of Level 1 and 2 deliverables (so called "Level 3").
Topic: Computing infrastructure and data management

Documents de présentation