12–16 juin 2017
IN2P3 computing center
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Qserv: A distributed shared-nothing database for the LSST catalog

15 juin 2017, 10:10
Amphitheatre (IN2P3 computing center)


IN2P3 computing center

21 Avenue Pierre de Coubertin CS70202 69627 VILLEURBANNE Cedex FRANCE Lat: 45°46'57.8"N Lon: 4°51'54.9"E


Fritz Mueller (SLAC)


To satisfy the need to efficiently store, query, and analyze catalogs running into trillions of rows and petabytes of data, we are developing Qserv, a distributed shared-nothing SQL database query system. We describe Qserv's design, architecture, and ability to scale to LSST's data requirements. We illustrate its potential with some current test results.
Topic: Computing infrastructure and data management

Documents de présentation