Jun 24 – 27, 2014
Montpellier, France
Europe/Paris timezone

Cosmic rays are a major component of the interstellar medium. They share an equivalent energy density with the magnetic field and the interstellar gas. At low energies cosmic rays possibly take an active part in the dynamics of the structures of the interstellar medium. They contribute to its ionisation. They produce a force through their pressure gradient over the magnetised fluid. They generate plasma waves and magnetic turbulence. This turbulence has in turn an important role in the evolution of molecular gas and in the star formation cycle. At high energies cosmic rays are identified by their interaction with the molecular gas and produce neutral and charged pions and secondary particles (gamma rays, electron-positron and neutrinos). Cosmic rays are also responsible for the spallation nucleosynthesis of light and stable and radioactive elements. They are likely associated with the remnants of supernovae. A large fraction of these supernovae explode as a result of the collapse of the core of massive stars. Massive stars, their evolution and the way they shape their environment appear also to have a central role in the cosmic ray production. Cosmic rays turn out to be a key ingredient in the local and global dynamics of the interstellar medium. But this is only very recently since this component started to be integrated in the modeling of the interstellar medium evolution. The main objective of this international workshop is to contribute to a better account of the multiple effects of the energetic component of the interstellar medium.

For this third meeting (after 2009 and 2011) 8 topics and the same number of sessions have been identified:
1) Sources of Galactic cosmic rays (review: L. Drury, DIAS, Ireland)
2) Cosmic Ray instabilities in the environment of molecular clouds (review: E. Zweibel, Wisconsin University, USA)
3) Transport of cosmic rays in the interstellar medium (review: R.Tautz, ZAA Berlin, Germany)
4) Multi-wavelength observations of Galactic sources (review: J. Vink, GRAPPA, The Netherlands)
5) The Galactic Center at high energies (review: R. Crocker, ANU, Australia)
6) Recent results in cosmic ray direct detection (review: L. Derome, LPSC, France)
7) Recent results from Herschel (review: P. André, AIM, France)
8) Cosmic ray ionization of molecular clouds (review: N. Indriolo, JHU, USA)

Aside in some sessions a restricted number of invited highlight talks will be sollicited. These talks will be specified in the program.

The participant is requested to read the information section carefully concerning all the details for inscription. The process has FOUR main steps: 1) indico account 2) registration and social events 3) abstract submission 4) payment. The payment itself has TWO steps: pre-registration and registration.

We strongly suggest the participants to register and to book the accomodation as soon as possible as we may not guarantee that rooms will be available for late bookings (see the guides, hotels, restaurants section for more information). Montpellier is a very touristic place at that time.

Local organising commitee: R. C. Chaves, S.Collaiocco (Secr.), J. Cohen-Tanugi, Y. Gallant, G. Gilbert (Secr), J. Lavalle, L. Le Clainche (Secr), A. Marcowith, C.Prévot (Secr), A.Porta (Labex,Secr.), M. Renaud, D. Talbi 

Scientific organising committee: A. Bykov, R. C. Chaves, K. Ferrière, Y. Gallant, D. Galli, P. Hennebelle, J. Lavalle, A. Marcowith (chair), P. Martin, T. Montmerle, M. Renaud (co-chair), D. Talbi & F. Feinstein (direct. LUPM)

The conference is supported by:
  • Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) - IN2P3 & INSU
    • Programme National Hautes Energies PNHE
    • Programme National de Physique et Chimie du Milieu Interstellaire PCMI
  • Université Montpellier II des sciences et techniques.
  • Région Languedoc-Roussillon
  • Labex OCEVU
Montpellier, France
Espace Saint Charles Montpellier

First circular: november 1st 2013: It is with a great pleasure that we invite you to participate to CRISM-2014. This international workshop is dedicated to the subject of the interplay between cosmic rays with their interstellar environment. The workshop will take place at espace Saint Charles in Montpellier city center (http://www.ircl.cnrs.fr/pdf/localisationIRCL/diaporama%20Site%20ST_Charles%20IRCL.pdf). The number of participants is expected to be around 80. A maximum of 110 participants will be accepted. Please visit our website. In order to book your own accomodation please be aware that Montpellier is a very busy place in late june especially the city hosts a well known international dance festival. A second circular will be published by january 2014 where the conference fees will be announced and the registration opened.

Second circular: january 18th 2014: The inscription process and the abstract submission are now open. Please take a few minutes to read the following carefully. The process requires a few steps.

  1. You first have to get an Indico account. Click on the login button on the upper right.
  2. Participant information: please fill in the participant form, provide your choice concerning the type of presentation requested and your participation to the conference dinner.
  3. Abstract submission: Please submit your abstract. A talk will be 20 minutes duration including 5 minutes devoted to questions. There will be around 40 contributed talks and 40 posters available. All of these will be reviewed and included in the proceedings.
  4. Payment process: The payment process has two steps: 1) you have to proceed to a pre-inscription (pre-registration for payment) which will be validated by the organisers 2) once your pre-inscription is validated you will receive an e-mail to proceed to the inscription process (registration for payment) which includes the payment of registration fees. Pre-inscription and inscription are open until may 30th 2014.
  • Conference fees: The conference fees are 195 euros for permanent staff, 145 euros for non permanent staff (PhD student, post-doc fellows), 60 euros for any accompanying person that want to attend the conference dinner, 80 euros for the organizers or LUPM laboratory members that want to attend the workshop and the conference dinner and are free for LUPM laboratory member otherwise. Part of the fees include: the conference dinner, all furnitures and documents relative to Montpellier. Be aware that fees will be increased for late inscription after May 24th.
  • Accomodation: We have provided the participants with a list of hotels in Montpellier in the pdf section just above (hotel-list). We strongly encourage registrants to book their hotel as soon as possible, Montpellier is a very touristic place and hosts a famous dance festival during the duration of the workshop.
Abstract submission dead-line, reduced fees dead-line: May 18th 2014

Third circular april 15th:
The conference timetables have been updated including the invited and highlight talks.