June 26, 2011 to July 1, 2011
Montpellier, France
Europe/Paris timezone

Cosmic rays and their interstellar medium environment (CRISM-2011) Cosmic rays are a major component of the interstellar medium. They share an equivalent energy density with the magnetic field and the interstellar gas. At low energies cosmic rays probably take an active part in the dynamics of the structures of the interstellar medium. They contribute to its ionisation. They produce a force through their pressure gradient over the magnetised fluid. They generate plasma waves and magnetic turbulence. This turbulence has in turn a key role in the evolution of molecular gas and in the star formation cycle. At high energies cosmic rays are identified by their interaction with the molecular gas and produce neutral and charged pions and secondary particles (gamma rays, electron-positron and potentially neutrinos). Cosmic rays are also responsible for the spallation nucleosynthesis of light and stable and radioactive elements. Cosmic rays are likely produced during episodes of supernova explosion. A large fraction of these supernovae explode as a result of the collapse of the core of massive stars. Massive stars, their evolution and the way they shape their environment appear also to have a central role in the cosmic ray production. Cosmic rays turn to be a key ingredient in the local and global dynamics of the interstellar medium. But this is only very recently since this component started to be integrated in the modelling of the interstellar medium evolution. The main objective of this international workshop is to contribute to a better account of the multiple effects of the energetic component of the interstellar medium.

The subjects covered by this workshop and the invited speakers are: 
  • Cosmic ray sources: high energy cosmic rays and molecular clouds. • Gamma-ray observations of supernova remnants: (Y.Gallant - LPTA - France) • X-ray observations of supernova remnants: (M.Miceli-Palermo Observatory-Italy) • Radio observations of supernova remnant shells and CO measurements (G.Dubner - Iafe - Argentina) • Interaction of supernova remnants with molecular clouds: OH masers (D.Frail - NRAO - USA) • Massive stars: Massive star winds properties (J.Puls- Munich university - Germany)- Supernova propagation in the circumstellar medium (V.Dwarkadas - University of Chicago- USA)-Massive star clusters and high energy observations (T.Montmerle - IAP - France). 
  • Cosmic ray sources: Theoretical aspects • Particle acceleration in supernova remnants and around massive stars (A.M. Bykov - Ioffe Institute-Russia) • Cosmic ray escape and their interaction with molecular clouds (S.Gabici- APC -France) • The cosmic ray streaming instability (E.Amato - Arcetri Observatory - Italy)
  • Survey of the properties of the interstellar medium: • Magnetic fields in the interstellar medium (K.M. Ferrière - LAT - France) • Numerical modelling of the turbulent interstellar medium (P.Hennebelle- LERMA-France) • Impact of cosmic rays over the thermal instability (T.Hartquist- Leeds university) • Cosmic-ray driven galactic winds (H.Völk-MPI Kernphysik Heidelberg-Germany) • Cosmic-ray driven magnetic dynamo (M.Hanasz-Torun Univ.-Poland) • The first stars and cosmic rays (E. Rollinde- IAP France) Cosmic ray propagation and interaction in the interstellar medium: • Direct observations (L.Derome - LPSC - France) • Spallation interaction (V.Tatischeff - CSNSM - France) • Models cosmic rays propagation: Propagation in the interstellar medium (V.Ptuskin-IZMIRAN-Russia)- Propagation in the interplanetary medium and connection with the local cosmic ray spectrum (H.Fichtner - Inst. Ther.Phys. Bochum - Germany)
  • Ionisation of the interstellar medium and circumstellar discs: • Constraints on the ionisation rate (C.Ceccarelli - LAOG - France) • Production of radicals (E.Herbst - Ohio State University - USA) • Effects on the gravitational collapse of molecular clouds (M.Fatuzzo - Xavier University- USA) • Possible impact of cosmic rays on Earth climate (I.Usoskin, Geophysical Oulu observatory, Finland)
Local organising commitee F.Acero, J. Cohen-Tanugi, S. Colaiocco (Secr), M. Delpont (Secr), F. Feinstein, Y. Gallant, A. Marcowith, F. Martins, D. Talbi, M.Renaud. 

Scientific organising committee A.Bykov, K.Ferrière, Y. Gallant, D. Galli, P. Hennebelle, A. Marcowith, T. Montmerle.

The conference is supported by:
  • Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) - IN2P3 & INSU
    • GDR phénomènes cosmiques de haute énergie PCHE
    • Programme national de physique chimie du milieu interstellaire PCMI
    • Programme national de physique stellaire PNPS 
  • Université Montpellier II des sciences et techniques.

Montpellier, France
Polytech Université Montpellier II
The conference will take place at the main amphitheater at polytech in the university campus: http://www.polytech-montpellier.fr/
=============================================================[Fourth circular - 16/06/2011] Proceedings The proceedings will be published in a special issue of the memoria della societa italiana (see instructions in http://sait.oat.ts.astro.it/) . The dead-line for the contribution submition is August 16 2011. Invited talks are limited to 6 pages. Contribution talks and posters are limited to 4 pages.
=============================================================[Third circular - 27/05/2011] Practical informations about the workshop location, the transport facilities, the location of the conference dinner can now be found in the section conference venue. The definite programme will appear soon by beginning of June.
=============================================================[Second circular: 23-02-2011] (invitated speakers are not concerned). Please read this carefully.
 The definite registration has two distinct procedures. The first one is the registration to the workshop (managed by our laboratory). For this go to the registration link and to the abstract link. The second one is the pre-registration and registration for payment (managed by the CNRS not by our laboratory). 
Payment can now be done by the following procedure: you need to pre-register to the CNRS registration fee management system in order to make payments. This procedure has also two steps:
1/ Click on "pre-registration for payment" Go to the link CRISM2011 and then pre-register (pre-registration).
2/ Once your pre-registration for payment has been validated by us you will recieved an acknowledgment and hence you can make your definite payment. Go back to the "pre-registration for payment" area and then go to confirm your registration with your first and last names and your web address.
Fees: academic/staff researcher 280 euros before 5th June 2011 and 380 euros after. Non permanent researcher (PhD, postdocs): 200 euros before 5th June 2011 and 300 euros after.

The proceedings of the conference will be published in a special volume of the Memorie della societa Astronomica Italiana.  
============================================================== [First circular 28-11-2010] It is with a great pleasure that we invite you to participate to CRISM-2011. This international workshop is dedicated to the subject of the interplay of cosmic rays with their interstellar environment. The workshop will take place at university Montpellier II at Polytech from june 26th (only registration) to july 1st 2011. The number of participants is expected to be around 80-90. A maximum of 130 participants will be accepted. Please visit our website. You are kindly requested to pre-register and send us your abstract as soon as possible. You can either book your own accomodation. In case you decide to book in an hotel in our pre-booked room list please inform the hotel you are coming for the CRISM-2011 conference. Be aware that Montpellier is a very busy place in late june especially the city hosts a well known dance festival, hence the hotel booking should be done rapidly. A second circular will be published by february 2011 where among others the conference fees will be announced.