Nov 21 – 22, 2011
Asia/Tokyo timezone


Access to Tsukuba from Narita International Airport

Taxi :
The simplest yet most expensive way to come to KEK from Narita Airport is to take a taxi. It would cost you approximately 18,000 yen (200 USD). Please note that KEK is known to locals as "Koh-eh-nel-ghi ken-cue-kikoh" in Tsukuba city and not as "KEK". It will take approximately an hour and a half.
Bus :
You may take an airport bus called "Airport Liner - NATT'S" to Tsukuba Center Bus terminal which is approximately 10 km south of KEK. The bus stop is located right outside of Narita Airport terminal. Tickets from Narita Airport to Tsukuba center bus terminal are available at the Keisei Bus ticket counter located in the arrival lobby. The fare is 2,540 yen (28 USD). Bus stop number is #8 at terminal -1, and #10 at terminal -2. Check the latest information at the ticket counter before you go outside of the lobby. The bus is bound for "Tsuchiura Station" and will stop at the bus station in the center of Tsukuba.
For more information you can consult

Map of Narita International Airport


Access to KEK/Urban Hotel from Tsukuba

The most convenient way to reach KEK and Urban Hotel is to take a taxi (waiting at the bus station). The ride costs around 3000 yen (32 USD)

Map of Tsukuba with comments
Map of KEK campus with comments

If you arriving to KEK on foot or taxi, you would not be stopped at the gates and hence you can walk (drive) directly to the dorm or to san-go-kan (building 3 in Japanese), where the meeting will be held.

In case of questions/problems, contact Bostjan Golob