1–8 mars 2008
La Thuile
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Charm and tau decays

4 mars 2008, 18:20
Van Gogh (7th floor) (La Thuile)

Van Gogh (7th floor)

La Thuile

Rencontres de Moriond Planibel Hotel - La Thuile Aosta Valley 11016 La Thuile (Aosta), Italy Phone : 39 (0)1 65 88 45 41 Fax : 39 (0)1 65 88 45 35


M. Anze Zupanc (Jozef Stefan Institute)


We discuss recent results on charm and tau physics obtained by the Belle and BaBar collaborations. In the charm section we present measurements of D0-D0bar mixing parameters, measurements searching for CP violation in D0 decays and a measurement of D_s meson decay constant. In the tau section the recent results on Lepton Flavor Violation in tau decays to three leptons or a lepton and a vector meson are discussed.

Auteur principal

M. Anze Zupanc (Jozef Stefan Institute)

Documents de présentation