- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
To start fuelling the discussions, and to offer our community an overview of the evolution of the global context and challenges since the last EU strategy update (2020), this first fully virtual meeting is dedicated to reviewing highlights of the last update (link to the document) on the following topics:
We foresee brief presentations, followed by discussion time. Please register below!
An EPPSU-devoted session, dedicated to open discussions leading to the preparation of the WG1 document, is then foreseen on November 13, at the Fall meeting of the IRN Terascale at IP2I (link).
You are encouraged to submit contributions (2 pages maximum) to the update here until October 25th.
Zoom link (ID: 683 0164 1643, Code: 958809)