OSCARS Consolidation and Terminology Workshop



DESY, Notkestr. 85, 22607 Hamburg seminar room 07a in building 7 and BAH1 in building 3
Paul Millar (DESY), Romain DAVID (IMBE - CNRS)

OSCARS brings together world-class European Research Infrastructures (RIs) in the ESFRI roadmap and beyond to foster the uptake of Open Science in Europe. Such RIs are part of the five Science Clusters (Humanities and Social Sciences, Life Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Photon and Neutron Science, Astronomy, Nuclear and Particle Physics), which have strived to make open data easily accessible to the users and the public, by providing FAIR data management policies and practices for enabling Open Science.

Within the Consolidation Workshop organized by WP2, we will review the Services and Data Sources portfolio and discuss commonalities as well as analyse gaps.

The Terminology Workshop organized by WP3, will focus on establishing a cross-cluster terminology to facilitate a functional colaborative work.

The workshop will be in hybrid format. We encourage people to turn up in person; but, in the spirit of being inclusive, the workshop is hybrid to allow remote participation.

    • Soft Start (free coffee and tea, lunch available in canteen) seminar room 07a, building 7

      seminar room 07a, building 7


      free coffee and tea lunch for self-payers in canteen
    • Introduction: Introduction, Aims and Objectives of the Workshop
      Présidents de session: Paul Millar (DESY), Sally Chambers (DARIAH-EU), Romain DAVID (IMBE - CNRS)
    • Consolidation Session 1 -- Science Cluster Service and FAIR Data Portfolio seminar room 07a, building 7

      seminar room 07a, building 7


      10-15 mins per cluster

      • 1
        SSHOC (15 min talk + 15 min discussion)
        Orateurs: Matej Durco, Sally Chambers (DARIAH-EU)
      • 2
        PaNOSC (15 min talk + 15 min discussion
        Orateurs: Andy Götz (ESRF), Jordi Bodera Sempere (ESRF), Melanie Nentwich (DESY), Paul Millar (DESY)
      • 3
        ENVRI-FAIR (15 min talk, 15 min discussion)
        Orateurs: Anca Hienola, Joaquín López Lérida, Zhiming Zhao (University of Amsterdam)
      • 4
        EOSC-Life (15 min talk * 15 min discussion)
        Orateur: Romain DAVID (IMBE - CNRS)
      • 5
        ESCAPE (15 min talk + 15 min discussion)
        Orateurs: Frederic GILLARDO (cnrs), Giovanni Guerrieri (Universita degli Studi di Udine (IT)), Marion PIERRE (LAPP)
    • 16:00
      Coffee break
    • Consolidation Session 2 -- Guided Discussion seminar room 07a, building 7

      seminar room 07a, building 7


      - Perimeter of portfolio
      * in terms of resource type (service, software, publication, ...)
      * in terms of service ownership
      - Discipline coverage
      * service types (processing, hosting, ..., see Tadirah)
      * TRL levels
      - Define aspects we are interested in:
      * doi can be assigned, ... (= capability?)
      - Gap analysis: can one cluster compensate for a gap of another?

    • Working Dinner Beselerplatz 11, 22607 Hamburg (Restaurant Hala)

      Beselerplatz 11, 22607 Hamburg

      Restaurant Hala

      Restaurant Hala, Beselerplatz 11, 22607 Hamburg

      How to get there:
      main entrance: bus 1 (Zum Hünengrab, direction Bf. Altona)
      side entrance: bus 284 (Luruper Chaussee, direction AK Altona)
      both exit Othmarschen

    • Group Foto Argus



      at Argus, near the main gate

    • Consolidation Session 3 -- Further Discussions seminar room 07a, building 7

      seminar room 07a, building 7


      • Defining composability
      • preparing refinement of portfolio
      • selection of initial exploration of composability scenarios

      Further topics
      - Do you have ways in your cluster to document work/workflows?
      - How to find selection criteria for composable workshops?
      - EOSC-eu node: Status and plans

      • 6
        ESCAPE use case -- CTAO
      • 7

        Authentication and Authorisation Infrastructure (AAI) needs of the Clusters

    • 12:00
      Lunch break (DESY canteen recommended)
    • Terminology Session 1 -- Introduction and Discussion of key issues BAH1, building 3

      BAH1, building 3


      • Introduction to the workshop and its objectives
      • Define the perimeter of terminologies related to data management and the quality of data management
      • Begin identifying and discussing key issues
      • Possible cases studies
      • Context and pre-existing demarch
      • (Identified?) Discrepancies and terminology challenges in data management
    • 15:20
      Coffee break BAH1, building 3

      BAH1, building 3


    • Terminology Session 2 -- Continued Discussion BAH1, building 3

      BAH1, building 3


      • Further case studies
      • Discrepancies and terminology challenges in data management
      • Organize steps and tasks for improving terminology in data (and quality of data) management
      • Conclude with the next steps: who decides what for these tasks?
    • Terminology Session 3 BAH1, building 3

      BAH1, building 3


      • Present existing crosswalk experiences (and models?)
      • Possible models of governance
      • Explore governance models terminology crosswalk when necessary
      • within EOSC
      • outside of EOSC
      • Discuss how the OSCARS can integrate or mentor projects in terminology governance
    • 10:20
      Coffee Break BAH1, building 3

      BAH1, building 3


    • Terminology Session 4 BAH1, building 3

      BAH1, building 3


      • Planning the structure of a paper – to be enriched during the RDA Plenary session
      • Schedule regular weekly meetings leading up to the RDA Planning Plenary to continue work on the paper
    • Wrap-Up and Closing BAH1, building 3

      BAH1, building 3
