Indisponibilité programmée / Scheduled outage

Nous procéderons à une opération de maintenance le mercredi 12 mars 2025 à 8h00 (CET).

  • Indico sera indisponible durant cette opération.
  • La durée prévisionnelle d'indisponibilité est estimée à une heure.

We will be performing maintenance on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, at 8:00 AM (CET).

  • Indico will be unavailable during this operation.
  • The estimated downtime is one hour.
30 September 2024 to 3 October 2024
Toulouse, France
Europe/Paris timezone

Jonathan Gair

Jonathan Gair is currently a Group Leader at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics in Potsdam, Germany, having previously held academic staff positions at the University of Edinburgh and Cambridge University. His research covers all aspects of the scientific exploitation of data from current and future gravitational wave (GW) detectors, with a particular focus on data analysis. He has previously worked on Bayesian inference for individual events and populations using GW data, cosmology with GW standard sirens, mapping of GW background anisotropies using pulsar timing, the LISA global fit, machine learning methods for GW parameter estimation and the detection and characterisation of extreme-mass-ratio inspirals with LISA. He is a member of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the Einstein Telescope and European Pulsar Timing Array collaborations and the LISA Consortium.