Nov 4 – 8, 2024
Palais consulaire
Europe/Paris timezone


The 17th edition of the Workshop on Particle Correlations and Femtoscopy, WPCF 2024, will be held in Toulouse (France) on November 4-8, 2024.  

The workshop is organized by the Laboratoire des 2 Infinis - Toulouse (L2IT) and will gather a community of nuclear and particle physicists working on particle-particle correlations and femtoscopy of emitting sources in nuclear and particle physics. 

Scientific program

Femtoscopy (historically known as HBT or intensity interferometry) represents a powerful tool to probe the space-time extent of emmitting sources produced in nucleus-nucleus collisions over a wide range of energies. Particle-particle correlation techniques also allow to investigate on the decay of resonances and unbound states whose properties can be explored with invariant-mass spectroscopy approaches. This technique is extnsively used in nuclear physics and in particle physics to discover new states or new particles. 

The scientific sessions will be organized with an interdisciplinary approach, with investigations carried on at the low/intermediate beam energy regime, with experiments at FRIB, GANIL, GSI/FAIR, LNL, LNS, RIKEN, and at the relativistic/ultrarelativistic energies reached at RHIC, LHC, Jefferson Lab,  SuperKEKB, EIC. 

This edition of the WPCF workshop, will include a couple of special sessions on stellar interferometry as a means to measure astrophysical sizes.

One session will be dedicated to the career of Prof. Scott Pratt from Michigan State University.

Main Topics

  • Femtoscopy in A-A, p-A and p-p collisions
  • Charge fluctuations and charge balance functions
  • Correlations from conservation laws, flows, vorticity and fluctuating initial conditions
  • Equation of state, phase coexistence, clustering and critical phenomena in heavy-ion collisions
  • Symmetry energy and nuclear transport effects on correlations
  • Statistical methods and Bayesian analysis of data and models
  • Femtoscopy and time-scales in intermediate and low energy collisions
  • Invariant-mass spectroscopy, resonances and clusters in nuclear reactions with radioactive and stable beams
  • Innovative methods to study multi-particle correlations
  • Dilepton correlations in particle and nuclear physics
  • Final state interactions studies with femtoscopy
  • Stellar intensity interferometry: history, present and future projects

Organization of scientific sessions

The scientific program will include invited oral presentations and contributed oral presentations, selected among the submitted abstracts.

A call for abstract will be opened on May 20th, 2024 on this website. 

Depending on the number of submitted abstracts, a poster session may be organized. 

As in the tradition of the all WPCF editions, participations by students and young postdocs is strongly enrcouraged.


The Chairs of the WPCF 2024 

       Jan Stark and Giuseppe Verde


Palais consulaire
Gaston Doumergue
2 Rue d'Alsace Lorraine, 31000 Toulouse
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