Indisponibilité programmée / Scheduled outage

Nous procéderons à une opération de maintenance le mercredi 12 mars 2025 à 8h00 (CET).

  • Indico sera indisponible durant cette opération.
  • La durée prévisionnelle d'indisponibilité est estimée à une heure.

We will be performing maintenance on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, at 8:00 AM (CET).

  • Indico will be unavailable during this operation.
  • The estimated downtime is one hour.
30 September 2024 to 3 October 2024
Toulouse, France
Europe/Paris timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

The call for abstracts for the Heterogeneous Data and Large Representation Models in Science workshop is now open.

Covered topics:

This workshop will delve into a range of topics, which include but are not limited to:

  • Constructing machine learning models capable of learning from diverse data types.
  • Managing multimodal data from varied sources, or heterogeneous data from scientific instruments that combine multiple detector technologies, for ML applications.
  • Investigating contrastive embeddings tailored for heterogeneous and multi-modal scientific data alongside shared embedding representations.
  • Exploring the integration of neuro-symbolic AI and multi-level representations.
  • Mathematical modeling of combined representation.
  • Exploring explainability and interpretability of Large Representation Models in the scientific context.
  • Embracing frugality and size management in Large Representation Models.
  • Possibly on a longer timescale, exploring numerical encodings for large language representations in scientific contexts.

Abstracts on any of thoses aspects are welcome.

Contribution types:

Contributions will be oral or through posters. Oral contributions are prefered. Oral contributions may include presentations, round tables, code demonstrations or any other kind of contribution (e.g. brain storming sessions) you may think useful. The length of the different oral contribution types is planed to be either (including questions) "Short" (about 20 minutes), "Middle" (about 40 minutes), or "Long" (about 60 minutes).

Contribution proposal dead-line:

Abstracts for either oral presentations, other types of oral contributions and posters must be submitted before September 10th.

Late abstract submission is accepted until September 15th provided that you contact us as early as possible to give us a heads-up no later than September 9th.

Abstract length:

We ask you to limit your abstract to 500 characters (the abstract submission form is limited to 1000 characters). If more detail is needed (e.g. a paper), one can upload an additionnal PDF file. Be aware the content of selected abstracts, but not the content of any added PDF file, will be published in the programme of this workshop through Indico.

Selection process:

Submitted abstracts will go through a selection process in order to guarantee a good balance of the programme and each submitter of abstracts will be notified upon the result of this selection.

Technical instructions:

The abstracts submission and the building of the programme are managed through the IN2P3 Indico system (a web-based event management system). You need to be logged into the IN2P3 Indico system to submit an abstract. If you don't have an account or are not logged in when submiting your abstract, you will be redirected automatically to the login and account creation page of the IN2P3 Indico system. Please take note that creating an account via the Edugain federation is instantaneous, while the login/password method needs a human approval and is slower.

Submission instructions:

Once you get to submit your abstract you will get a header: "Please don't forget to read the submission instructions before submitting an abstract." Please click on the highlighted "submission instructions" which should help you to fill the abstract submission form.

The call for abstracts is closed.