IN2P3/IRFU Machine Learning workshop 2024

Amphi Grïnewald (IPHC, Strasbourg)

Amphi Grïnewald

IPHC, Strasbourg

Batiment 27, BP28, 67037 Cedex 2, 23 Rue du Loess, 67200 Strasbourg

zoom link is available (bottom of this page, only after registration)

Registration is closed

The agenda is public

General Information

This workshop deals with all AI activity at IN2P3 and CEA/IRFU.
The workshop will take place in person at IPHC in Strasbourg from Wednesday 20th Nov 1:00pm till Friday 22nd Nov 1:00pm. 
We will have a free social gathering on Thursday night.


Machine Learning is now potentially impacting many aspects of particle physics, nuclear physics and astroparticle physics.

This workshop covers current developments with Machine Learning at IN2P3 and CEA-IRFU.

The call for contribution is not limited to finished work, work in progress or even Expression of Interest are very welcome.

Note: results from a collaboration might need approval from the relevant collaboration board or national contact. Since this is a national workshop, contributions by students of on-going work within a collaboration might be possible, please refer to your national contact for approval.


  1. Object detection, object identification and reconstruction 

  2. Analysis: event classification, statistical analysis and inference, anomaly detection

  3. Simulations and surrogate models: replacing an existing complex physical model

  4. Fast ML: DAQ/Trigger/Real Time Analysis

  5. Infrastructure : Hardware and software for Machine Learning

  6. Accelerator control

  7. Large / multi-model languages for Physics

  8. Theory and phenomenology

  9. Training, courses, tutorial, open datasets and challenges

  10. Others

Mailing list

Please make sure you are subscribed to on IN2P3 listserv and visit our website to keep up to date with ML at IN2P3. 



  • Alexandre Boucaud (APC/IN2P3)
  • Valérie Gautard (CEA/IRFU)
  • David Rousseau (IJCLab/IN2P3)
  • Thomas Vuillaume (LAPP/IN2P3)

Local organising committee

  • Eric Chabert (IPHC, IN2P3)
  • Giulio Dujany (IPHC, IN2P3)
  • Jérôme Pansanel (IPHC, IN2P3)

