We report on the latest sensitivity studies of FCC-ee to the measurement of the branching ratios of Higgs boson decays to quark-antiquark pairs and gluons.
The studies use simulated events scaled to integrated luminosities of 10.8/ab of sqrt(s)=240 GeV and 3.0/ab of sqrt(s)=365 GeV.
Jet flavour tagging is exploited to distinguish among different Higgs boson decays.
Various final states (H(jj) + ee/mumu, H(jj) + jj and H(jj) + missing energy) are reconstructed and a joint interpretation of their results is performed.
The expected precision in the branching ratios of decays to b,c,g is at the %-level or better, while that for the H->ss decay is close to the predicted branching ratio in the Standard Model.