9–11 Oct 2024
Campus des Cordeliers, Paris, Metro Odeon
Europe/Paris timezone

Mapping the SMEFT at High-Energy Colliders: from LEP and the (HL-)LHC to the FCC-ee

9 Oct 2024, 15:15
Salle des thèses

Salle des thèses

ORAL WG1-GLOB - Physics Potential: Global interpretations Parallel - WG1-GLOB


Jaco ter Hoeve (Nikhef)


We present SMEFiT3.0, an updated global SMEFT analysis of Higgs, top quark, and diboson data from the LHC complemented by electroweak precision observables (EWPOs) from LEP and SLD. We estimate the impact on the SMEFT parameter space of HL-LHC measurements when added on top of SMEFiT3.0 by means of dedicated projections that extrapolate Run II data. Subsequently, we quantify the unprecedented impact that measurements from future electron-positron colliders would have on both the SMEFT parameter space and on UV-complete models. We present projections for the FCC-ee and the CEPC based on the most recent running scenarios and include Z-pole EWPOs, fermion-pair, Higgs, diboson, and top quark production, using optimal observables for both $W^+W^-$ and $t\bar{t}$. Finally, we quantify the effect of renormalization group running on the sensitivity to the SMEFT parameter space and UV-complete models.

Primary authors

Alejo Rossia (University of Manchester) Dr Eleni Vryonidou (University of Manchester) Ms Eugenia Celada (University of Manchester) Jaco ter Hoeve (Nikhef) Dr Juan Rojo (VU Amsterdam) Dr Luca Mantani (University of Cambridge) Ms Marion Thomas (University of Manchester) Dr Tommaso Giani (VU Amsterdam)

Presentation materials