Indisponibilité programmée / Scheduled outage

Nous procéderons à une opération de maintenance le mercredi 12 mars 2025 à 8h00 (CET).

  • Indico sera indisponible durant cette opération.
  • La durée prévisionnelle d'indisponibilité est estimée à une heure.

We will be performing maintenance on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, at 8:00 AM (CET).

  • Indico will be unavailable during this operation.
  • The estimated downtime is one hour.

Meeting on the preparation of the SVOM Core Program Science (GRB Studies)

Amphithéâtre (IAP)




Link Zoom Monday 6th:

Link Zoom Tuesday 7th:

Link to the working document (doc):

Link to the list of tools/skills (xcel):

Le but de l'atelier sera de préparer l'exploitation scientifique du Core Program de SVOM, avec en particulier les aspects suivants :

  1. Des produits scientifiques à la publication (lundi 6 mai). En prenant par exemple le cas d'un sursaut gamma brillant détecté par tous les instruments de SVOM et bénéficiant aussi d'un bon suivi par d'autres instruments (associés à SVOM ou non), comment passer du stade de la génération quasi-automatique des produits scientifiques et du recensement des observations complémentaires disponibles à celui de l'exploitation scientifique et de la publication. En particulier, pouvons-nous recenser les outils/compétences/expertises qui sont nécessaires, et s'ils sont déjà présents ou non au sein de notre collaboration. Une liste illustrative mais non exhaustive de sujets pouvant être discutés : analyse détaillée de l'émission prompte, corrections du flux de la rémanence (contribution de la galaxie hôte, absorption dans la galaxie hôte ou dans la Voie Lactée, etc.), interprétation des éventuelles observations disponibles de la galaxie hôte, analyse spectrale et mesure de redshift, analyse et interprétation d'une éventuelle supernova ou kilonova associée, modélisation éventuellement nécessaire à l'interprétation, mise en contexte en termes de populations de sursauts gamma, etc.
  2. Organisation du groupe science Core Program (mardi 7 mai): le SVOM Science Working Group effectuera un pilotage à haut niveau mais il faudra un groupe science Core Program pour l’opérationnel de la science sursauts gamma, distinct mais lié au management des activités des Burst Advocates et Instrument Scientist. Cet étage intermédiaire dans notre organisation a été peu discuté jusqu'ici et l'atelier sera l'occasion de le faire, en rappelant également quelle organisation a été mise en oeuvre dans d'autres missions spatiales. 
  3. Plan de publication (mardi 7 mai): pouvons-nous commencer à préparer le plan de publication lié à la science Core Program ? Pouvons-nous identifier les sujets prioritaires que nous souhaitons porter ?

L'atelier est ouvert à toute personne associée à SVOM-France et intéressée par la science du Core Program (GRB Studies). Il commencera le lundi à 9h30 et se terminera le mardi après-midi avant 17h. Des pauses café seront organisées et les repas seront à prendre librement dans le quartier.

The aim of the workshop will be to prepare the scientific exploitation of the SVOM Core Program, with particular emphasis on the following aspects:

  1. From scientific products to publication (Monday, May 6). Taking, for example, the case of a bright gamma-ray burst detected by all SVOM instruments and also well followed by other instruments (whether associated with SVOM or not), how can we move from the quasi-automatic generation of scientific products and the compilation of available complementary observations to scientific exploitation and publication? In particular, can we list the tools/skills/expertise that are needed, and whether or not they are already present within our collaboration. An illustrative but non-exhaustive list of topics that could be discussed: detailed analysis of prompt emission, afterglow flux corrections (contribution from the host galaxy, absorption in the host galaxy or Milky Way, etc.), interpretation of any available observations of the host galaxy, spectral analysis and redshift measurement, analysis and interpretation of any associated supernova or kilonova, any modeling required for interpretation, contextualization in terms of gamma-ray burst populations, etc.
  2. Organization of the science Core Program group (Tuesday, May 7): the SVOM Science Working Group will provide high-level steering, but an operational science Core Program group will be needed for the gamma-ray burst science, separate from but linked to the management of Burst Advocates and Instrument Scientist activities. This intermediate stage in our organization has been little discussed so far, and the workshop will provide an opportunity to do so, while also recalling the organization implemented in other missions such as Swift or Fermi. 
  3. Publication plan (Tuesday, May 7): can we start preparing the publication plan for the Core Program Science? Can we identify the priority topics we want to cover?

The workshop is open to anyone associated with SVOM-France and interested in Core Program science. It will start on Monday at 9:30 and finish on Tuesday afternoon before 17h. Coffee breaks will be organized, and meals will be taken freely in the neighborhood.

Frédéric Daigne
  • Andrea Saccardi
  • Antonio de Ugarte Postigo
  • Arnaud Claret
  • Bertrand Cordier
  • Clara Plasse
  • Clément Pellouin
  • Damien Dornic
  • Damien TURPIN
  • Diego Gotz
  • Dylan ADRIEN
  • Emeric Le Floc'h
  • Florent Robinet
  • Floriane Cangemi
  • Frédéric DAIGNE
  • Frédéric Piron
  • Henri TRIOU
  • Jean-Grégoire Ducoin
  • Jean-Luc ATTEIA
  • Jesse Palmerio
  • Jérôme Guilet
  • Maria Grazia Bernardini
  • Matteo Bugli
  • Michel Dennefeld
  • Miti Patel
  • Nicolas Dagoneau
  • Nicolas Leroy
  • Ny Avo Rakotondrainibe
  • olivier GODET
  • Patrick Petitjean
  • Paul O'Brien
  • Rachel Hamburg
  • Rob Eyles-Ferris
  • Robert Mochkovitch
  • Sarah ANTIER
  • Stéphane Schanne
  • Susanna Vergani
  • Tais Maiolino
  • Véronique BUAT
  • Wenjin XIE
  • Yashaswi Julakanti
    • 1
      General introduction: objectives of the meeting Amphithéâtre



      Orateur: Prof. Frédéric DAIGNE (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris - Sorbonne Université)
    • From the production of the science products to the publication: in this session, we propose to consider the case of a bright GRB detected by all instruments of SVOM and to discuss the tools and skills necessary to analyse and discuss this GRB in the context of a publication. (Part I) Amphithéâtre



      • 2
        Introduction: objectives of this session Amphithéâtre



        • short summary of the data available in such a "bright GRB with a slew" scenario
        • short summary of the science products generated in the context of the observation of a bright GRB with a slew
        • short reminder about the products that were listed in the initial versions of the SR3 document (Scientific Requirements for the Core Program): some advanced products have to be discussed today.
        • a clear objective is to identify the skills/tools/... necessary to perform relevant analyses of available data and their interpretation in the context of a scientific publication
        • an important objectif is to start to build a list of "experts" within the "French" side of the collaboration, with their skills/tools. A similar work will be done on the Chinese side and this will help future discussion in coming weeks.
        Orateur: Prof. Frédéric DAIGNE (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris - Sorbonne Université)
      • 3
        Prompt high-energy emission (and transition to the afterglow ?) [ECLAIRs and GRM, with possibly other instruments] Amphithéâtre



        • a) Introduction of the topic
          • temporal and spectral analysis
          • evolution of the light curve/a pulse with the energy channel: lags, W(E), ....
          • discussion in the case of a simultaneous visible detection (e.g. GWAC)?
          • discussion in the case of a simultaneous X-ray detection (e.g. MXT or EP)?
          • etc.
          Orateurs: Frédéric Piron (CNRS/IN2P3/LUPM), Maria Grazia Bernardini (INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera)
        • b) Discussion
          Orateur: All participants
      • 10:50
        Coffee break IAP Hall

        IAP Hall

      • 4
        Late prompt/afterglow in X-rays [MXT with possibly other instruments] Amphithéâtre



        • a) Introduction of the topic
          • temporal and spectral analysis
          • correcting the absorption (X-ray only, otherwise: general discussion later)
          • temporal evolution: phenomenological models for decay/plateau/flares/... ?
          • etc.
          Orateur: Diego Gotz (CEA Saclay)
        • b) Discussion
          Orateur: All participants
      • 5
        Prompt/Afterglow in the visible/near-infrared [VT, GWAC, GFTs, with possibly other instruments] Amphithéâtre



        • a) Introduction of the topic
          • correcting for the absorption: dedicated discussion later
          • correcting for the magnitude of the host galaxy
          • measuring the redshift (photometric, spectroscopic)
          • temporal/spectral evolution
          • taking into account X-rays? radio?
          • spectral analysis
          • host galaxy
          • additional component: supernova/kilonova/...
          • etc.
          Orateur: Dr Jesse Palmerio (Observatoire de Paris - GEPI)
        • b) Discussion
          Orateur: All participants
    • 12:45
      Lunch To be taken freely in the neighbourhood

      To be taken freely in the neighbourhood

    • From the production of the science products to the publication: in this session, we propose to consider the case of a bright GRB detected by all instruments of SVOM and to discuss the tools and skills necessary to analyse and discuss this GRB in the context of a publication. (Part II) Amphithéâtre



      • 6
        Correcting for the absorption in the context of a multi-wavelength data set Amphithéâtre



        • a) Introduction of the topic
          • host galaxy
          • Milky Way
          • NIR-V only
          • NIR-V-X-rays
          • etc.
          Orateurs: Ny Avo Rakotondrainibe (Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille), Veronique BUAT (LAM)
        • b) Discussion
          Orateur: All participants
      • 7
        Taking into account data of external origin (follow-up partners, GCN): (1) the case of a "standard" follow-up (e.g. radio to X-rays) Amphithéâtre



        • a) Introduction of the topic
          • complete the dataset (GCN/catalogs/ZTF-LSST/....)
          • homogenous analysis of the multi-wavelength dataset
          • the case of radio observations
          • synthetic overview of the already established MoU with different follow-up partners?
          • etc.
          Orateur: Damien TURPIN (CEA-Saclay)
        • b) Discussion
          Orateur: All participants
      • 15:30
        Coffee break IAP Hall

        IAP Hall

      • 8
        Taking into account data of external origin (follow-up partners, GCN): (2) exceptional cases (e.g. detection at HE/VHE, multi-messenger event, etc.) Amphithéâtre



      • 9
        Interpretation/Modelling Amphithéâtre



        • a) Introduction of the topic
          • prompt/afterglow physics
          • central engine/relativistic ejection
          • supernova physics
          • kilonova physics
          • host galaxy/environment
          • population studies: rates, etc.
          • etc.
          Orateurs: Prof. Frédéric DAIGNE (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris - Sorbonne Université), Jérôme Guilet (CEA Saclay, Département d'Astrophysique), Susanna Vergani (CNRS-Observatoire de Paris)
        • b) Discussion
          Orateur: All participants
      • 10
        Final discussion: review of the list of "experts" identified within the collaboration - Missing tools/skills/actions to take Amphithéâtre



        Orateur: All participants
    • 11
      End of Monday's discussion Amphithéâtre



      • a) Interpretation/Modeling: Prompt/afterglow - Population models
        Orateur: Prof. Frédéric DAIGNE (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris - Sorbonne Université)
      • b) Summary-Conlusions/Actions
        Orateur: Sarah ANTIER (Artemis, OCA)
    • 12
      Introduction: (1) organisation of SVOM Science: SSMP, JWSG, Operational & Scientific Groups ("GRB (population) Studies") - (2) Objectives of the second day of the meeting Amphithéâtre



      • general organisation: (a) SVOM Science Management Plan ; (b) SVOM Joint Science Working Group (JSWG) ; (c) Operational groups ; (d) Scientific groups
      • a few words about the operational groups related to core program activities
      • a focus on the scientific group "GRB (population) Studies" = the topic of this workshop
      • all these groups include Chinese and French colleagues.
      • a first goal of the workshop is to discuss the scientific projects that are our priorities in each lab, with the expected contributions we can provide, and with a focus on the projects for the early-career scientists in our groups (PhD students, postdocs) = morning sessions
      • a second goal is to discuss a publication plan, at least for the first year(s) = afternoon session
      • a last goal is to discuss how we would like to organise the "GRB (population) Studies" group and how we would like to work within it, before starting the discussion with our Chinese colleagues on this topic within the coming weeks (afternoon session).
      Orateur: Prof. Frédéric DAIGNE (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris - Sorbonne Université)
    • SVOM GRB Studies: our scientific priorities Amphithéâtre



      • 13
        Discussion: which scientific projects are our priorities (in each lab)?
        • it would be nice to prepare this session in each group before the workshop to be able to give a synthetic view
        • the discussion is of course related to GRB studies, including the physics of the GRB phenomenon and the use of GRBs as a tool for other studies.
        • it would be useful to indicate whether potential collaborators have already been identified for certain projects within the Chinese side of the collaboration, or outside.
      • 10:50
        Coffee break
      • 14
        Discussion: which scientific projects are our priorities (in each lab)? (continued)
    • 15
      Lunch break To be taken freely in the neighbourhood

      To be taken freely in the neighbourhood

    • SVOM GRB Studies: Organisation of the science group "GRB (population) studies" - Publication plan Amphithéâtre



      • 16
        Publication plan Amphithéâtre



        • conditions to start a paper on a single SVOM GRB
        • papers focussing on one topic with n>1 SVOM GRBs
        • papers on SVOM instrument performances regarding GRB detection and characterization
        • papers on detection/upper limits in association with an external observation
        • catalog papers
        • etc.
      • 15:30
        Coffee break IAP Hall

        IAP Hall

      • 17
        Organisation of the Science Group "GRB (population) Studies" Amphithéâtre



        • feedback from other collaborations: Swift? Fermi? other?
        • organisation to follow papers in preparation, to suggest new projects to start, to keep track of the analyses done in the context of these various projects, etc.
        • organisation for the internal refereeing process for SVOM papers on GRBs
        • etc.