18–22 sept. 2023
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Fuseau horaire America/Sao_Paulo

Klein-Gordon Effective Equation for Yang-Mills SU(2) Classical Theory

22 sept. 2023, 16:00
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Brazilian Center for Physics Research - CBPF
Seminar Plenary


Dr Josenilson Adnei Oliveira Marinho (Universidade Federal Rural da Amazonia)


The Faddeev-Niemi representation prescription for the Yang-Mills SU(2) gauge theory is explored through a Gauge Induced Variable technique which render the topology implied both interesting and rich on new consequences: effective modes in the classical solutions of the theory emerge in the context of a generalized Klein-Gordon Equation. Traces of mass intervals and fundamental scales appears in the treatment as long as electroweak charge screening.

Auteurs principaux

Dr Ederson Staudt (UFFS) Dr Jorge Zabadal (UFRGS) Dr Josenilson Adnei Oliveira Marinho (Universidade Federal Rural da Amazonia)

Documents de présentation