Sep 18 – 22, 2023
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
America/Sao_Paulo timezone

The Light-Cone 2023 (LC2023) will be hosted by the Brazilian Center for Physics Research - CBPF from September 18  to 22, 2023  in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

 Registration will be open by  June 1st to August  15th, 2023. Extended up to August 31th, 2023. 

The  Brazilian Center for Physics Research (CBPF) is one of the most important institutions in Brazil, where both theoretical and experimental research are developed, offers an ideal and stimulating environment to achieve the goals of the conference, thanks to their active community acting in many aspects of the Standard model and beyond.

The conference continues a series that started in 1991 and, since then, takes place at least once a year under the supervision of the International Light Cone Advisory Committee. 

The scientific goal of the Light Cone conference series is to continuously update the knowledge in light-front theory, its intersections with Euclidean Lattice and continuum approaches towards the phenomenological applications to describe hadrons and nuclei. Light-front theory provides a suitable framework for the calculations of decay rates, scattering amplitudes, correlations, spin effects, phases, distributions and other hadronic observables from first principles, aiming to reveal novel nonperturbative effects predicted by QCD. Notably, it provides the basic concepts and tools for a multidimensional imaging of hadrons from parton distributions accessible in the deep inelastic regime, giving the opportunity to deepen our understanding of the dependence of the spin and mass content of the nucleon, and in general of hadrons, in terms of their fundamental degrees of freedom.

The Light-Cone 2023  will emphasize the phenomenological applications where one can gain fruitful interpretations in terms of hadron-structure observables, matching the experimental efforts, carried on in many facilities around the world.  Part of the program will be also devoted to discuss applications to relativistic few-body systems, within QCD and other Quantum Field Theories, as well as the possible benefits from the interplay with Euclidean Lattice techniques and continuum approaches. Following the tradition of the Light-Cone Conference Series anticipating the opportunities offered by facilities such as the JLab, J-PARC, FAIR at GSI,  the future EIC, among other facilities, we plan to organize a stimulating scientific program  to fosterer the forefront research in nuclear, hadron and particle physics. The scientific program of LC2023 will have invited as well as contributed talks, that will address the following main topics:

  • Hadron structure and spectrum
  • Parton Physics in hadrons and nuclei
  • Mass generation
  • Lattice Gauge theories
  • QCD at finite temperature and density
  • Nonperturbative QFT methods in Minkowski and Euclidean space
  • Light-front field theory
  • AdS/CFT and holography
  • Relativistic Few- and Many-body physics 
  • Astroparticle physics
  • Fundamental Symmetries and violations
  • Present and future facilities 


Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Brazilian Center for Physics Research - CBPF
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Secretary: Sonia Ferreira and  Thaisa Araújo