Patricia Magalhaes
Precision CP violation (CPV) measurements are widely recognized as a highly sensitive probe of the Standard Model with new sources needed to account for the mater-antimatter asymmetry observed in the Universe. There is a long-term discussion involving the source of the strong phase needed to generate direct CPV in charmless B and D decays. I will show that the final state interactions (FSI) can be the source needed to explain some observed asymmetries in B → hhh (h = π, K). I will also show in more detail a recent result where FSI and CPT symmetry constraint, one can enhance the charge-parity (CP) violation difference between D0 → π−π+ and D0 → K−K+ decay up to the current experimental value recently observed by the LHCb collaboration.
Auteurs principaux
Patricia Magalhaes
Ignacio Bediaga
(Elisa Carmen Hickman de Bediaga)
Tobias Frederico
(Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica)