Indisponibilité programmée / Scheduled outage

Nous procéderons à une opération de maintenance le mercredi 12 mars 2025 à 8h00 (CET).

  • Indico sera indisponible durant cette opération.
  • La durée prévisionnelle d'indisponibilité est estimée à une heure.

We will be performing maintenance on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, at 8:00 AM (CET).

  • Indico will be unavailable during this operation.
  • The estimated downtime is one hour.
18–22 sept. 2023
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Fuseau horaire America/Sao_Paulo

Bridge between QCD and LFQM

21 sept. 2023, 09:30
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Brazilian Center for Physics Research - CBPF
Lecture Plenary


Chueng Ji (North Carolina State University)


I will discuss the link between the QCD and the light-front quark model (LFQM) utilizing the interpolation between the instant form dynamics (IFD) and the light-front dynamics (LFD). In the ‘tHooft model, the mass gap solutions, vacuum condensation, spontaneous symmetry breaking of the chiral symmetry and the mass spectra of mesons bearing the feature of the Regge trajectories are found and the Gell-Mann-Oakes-Renner relation for the pionic ground-state in the zero fermion mass limit is confirmed both in IFD and LFD as well as in-betweens. The implication of the link between QCD and LFQM will be discussed for the consistency in the framework of analyzing simultaneously both the mass spectra and the wave-function related physical observables. Independence of current components, polarization vectors, and reference frames will be exemplified in recent LFQM analyses of meson decay constants.

Auteur principal

Chueng Ji (North Carolina State University)

Documents de présentation