Thematic school GWsNS-2023: Gravitational Waves from Neutron Stars

Centre de colloques Paul Langevin

Centre de colloques Paul Langevin

24, rue du Coin - 73500 Aussois, France
Marco Antonelli (LPC Caen), Anthea Francesca Fantina ({CNRS}UPR3266), Francesca Gulminelli (LPC/Ensicaen), Jérôme Novak (LUTH, CNRS - Observatoire de Paris), Micaela Oertel (LUTH, Observatoire de Paris)

IMPORTANT: this event has ended. The slides of the lectures and some extra material can be found in the section Contribution List or at the end of this page.

The thematic school  Gravitational wave emission from proto-neutron stars and neutron star mergers (GWsNS-2023) is a graduate school that will cover several aspects of the gravitational wave (GW) emission from neutron stars. Lectures will mainly focus on the gravitational emission from supernovae, proto-neutron stars and coalescing binaries, with an eye on the connection between astrophysical phenomena and the equation of state (EOS) of dense matter that defines the structure and macroscopic behaviour of these compact objects.

Detection of gravitational waves by the LIGO/Virgo consortium opened the era of gravitational astronomy and lead to fundamental advances, like the proof of the coalescence of neutron star binaries as a site of heavy element production by nucleosynthesis, the discovery of black holes in a previously unknown mass range, as well as constraints on alternative theories of gravity.

At the same time, the rapidly evolving field of multi-messenger astronomy and the arrival of third-generation detectors (like the European Einstein Telescope project and the American Cosmic Explorer) are expected to lead to further advances in both our understanding of neutron star astrophysics and the possibility to constrain theoretical models of ultra-dense matter with astronomical observations.

A full understanding of observations from third-generation interferometers will only be possible once detailed theoretical modelling can be successfully confronted with the data. This requires a combination of broad and interdisciplinary skills: theoretical nuclear and hadronic physics, numerical relativity, hydrodynamics and simulations, Bayesian statistical methods, gamma and X-ray astronomy and neutrino emission… Basic training on these aspects is essential for young (and not so young!)  people to have a global understanding of this interdisciplinary area of very active research.

  • Venue and dates: The GWsNS-2023 school will take place in Aussois (a popular mountain destination in the French Alps) from June 4 (Sunday) to June 9 (Friday). Lectures are planned to start on June 5 (Monday). All the participants, including the instructors, will lodge at the Centre Paul Langevin in Aussois, a holiday resort and conference centre of the CNRS. Lectures will take place in the same venue.
  • Bus service between Modane train station and the Centre Paul Langevin in Aussois will be available on Sunday afternoon/evening (June 4, Modane-Aussois) and on Friday (June 9, Aussois-Modane).
  • Registration, fee, support: Registration will close on April 1, 2023. The participation fee is 350€ for students and postdocs, and 550€ for permanent researchers: it includes a full board stay at the Centre Paul Langevin for 5 nights (Sunday-Friday) and the social dinner. CNRS employees are free of fees. It is possible to ask for partial financial support till March 15, 2023: students and researchers asking for financial support must register before March 15.
  • The list of topics and instructors can be found in the section Scientific Programme. 