25–29 avr. 2022
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris
The schedule, talk titles, and slides of the talks are available under "Timetable/detailed view”.

Open-Closed Correspondence of K-theory and Cobordism

27 avr. 2022, 11:45
Amphithéâtre Mérieux (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon)

Amphithéâtre Mérieux

Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon

Campus Jacques Monod
Contributed talks Contributed talks


Cribiori Niccolò (MPI Munich)


Non-trivial K-theory groups and non-trivial cobordism groups can lead to global symmetries which are conjectured to be absent in quantum gravity. In this talk, a correspondence between the two groups is proposed. It is inspired by open-closed string duality and relies on a mathematical result known as Conner-Floyd isomorphism. As an application, it is shown how to recover known tadpole cancellation conditions of string theory from a purely bottom-up perspective. In the spirit of the swampland program, this can be used to give further support to the string lamppost principle.

Type of contribution Contributed Talk only

Auteur principal

Cribiori Niccolò (MPI Munich)

Documents de présentation