25–29 avr. 2022
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris
The schedule, talk titles, and slides of the talks are available under "Timetable/detailed view”.

D-branes in AdS^3 x S^3 x T^4 x at k=1 and their holographic duals

28 avr. 2022, 17:00
Amphithéâtre Mérieux (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon)

Amphithéâtre Mérieux

Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon

Campus Jacques Monod
Contributed talks Contributed talks


Jakub Vosmera (ETH Zürich)


Following the recent work of Eberhardt, Gaberdiel and Gopakumar, exact comparison between various quantities living on the two sides of the AdS/CFT correspondence has become a possibility. The goal of this work is to extend the existing holographic dictionary to include some non-perturbative vacua on both sides. We start by constructing various D-branes of the string theory on ${\rm AdS}_3\times {\rm S}^3 \times \mathbb{T}^4$ at $k=1$ units of NS-NS flux and calculate their associated cylinder amplitudes. We observe that these amplitudes match with the cylinder correlators of certain boundary states of the dual CFT, thus suggesting a direct correspondence between these boundary conditions. We also show that the disk amplitudes of these D-branes localise to those points in the worldsheet moduli space where the worldsheet disk holomorphically covers the spacetime disk.

Type of contribution Contributed Talk or Poster

Auteur principal

Jakub Vosmera (ETH Zürich)

Documents de présentation