25–29 avr. 2022
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris
The schedule, talk titles, and slides of the talks are available under "Timetable/detailed view”.

Gravitational binary dynamics from quantum scattering amplitudes

26 avr. 2022, 11:45
Amphithéâtre Mérieux (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon)

Amphithéâtre Mérieux

Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon

Campus Jacques Monod
Contributed talks Contributed talks


Pierre Vanhove (IPhT CEA-Saclay)


Recent advances in the scattering amplitude-based approach to the Post-Minkowskian expansion of classical general relativity have demonstrated that this new approach holds the promise of significantly changing the efficiency of computations in general relativity. This approach completes the post-Newtonian computations by providing information beyond its regime of validity. This framework leads to surprising results connecting the conservative part and gravitational radiation effects. As well, the scattering amplitude methods apply to a wide range of effective field theories in various dimensions.

In this talk, we will present new results for the post-Minkowskian expansion in various dimensions. We will present a new organisation of the scattering amplitudes for an efficient evaluation of the classical post-Minkowskian contributions to high-loop order. We will discuss a reformulation of the effective-one-body formalism for connecting the scattering amplitudes to the effective classical hamiltonian of the two-body systems and gives applications to probe regime results and the high-energy limit in various dimensions.

Type of contribution Contributed Talk only

Auteur principal

Pierre Vanhove (IPhT CEA-Saclay)

Documents de présentation