Dear Group34 conference participants, Our colloquium is fast approaching and we are looking forward to seeing you in Strasbourg. Please find below the latest information about the conference. 1) Venues 1.1) Plenary lectures: Amphitheatre Carré de Malberg, Faculté de droit, 1 Place d’Athènes. 1.2) Parallel sessions: Amphitheatres Fresnel & Carnot, Rooms 104, 150, 346, Faculté de physique, 3-5 rue de l’Université. 1.3) Special ceremonies: Amphitheatres Fresnel, Faculté de physique, 3-5 rue de l’Université. 1.4) Group theory lectures: Amphitheatres Weiss, Faculté de physique, 3-5 rue de l’Université. 1.5) Poster sessions, Room 248, Faculté de physique, 3-5 rue de l’Université. 1.6) Award Ceremony: Mairie de Strasbourg, rue Brûlée. 2) Plenary speakers: titles and abstract 3) Program 3.1) booklets of the conference 3.2) program of the parallel sessions (each parallel sessions is 25+ 5 min) 3.3) booklet of abstracts 3.4) chairpersons of various sessions 3.5) The program of the Award Ceremony 4) You can find also the schedule at 5) List of restaurants near the Faculté de droit and Faculté de physique (we need 10-15 min to walk from Faculté de droit to Faculté de physique) 6) Social events : 7) All plenary lectures and parallel sessions will be transmitted online via Zoom. The zoom links will be provided in due time. 8) The general public presentation (in French) of J. M. Lévy-Leblond will be available on the internet a couple of days after the conference. 9) Award ceremony at Mairie de Strasbourg : Finally, we want to inform you that we are currently in negotiation with an editor for the proceedings of the conference. See you very soon in Strasbourg! Michel Rausch de Traubenberg
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