18–22 juil. 2022
Strasbourg, France
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris
The 34th International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics


Fourth circular. Apologies if you receive this e-mail more than once: Registration bug and extension of early registration deadline (16 May 2022)

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to participate in the 34th edition of the International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics (group34), to be held at Strasbourg University, France, 18-22 July 2022.

The International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics (ICGTMP) is one of the traditional conference series covering the most important topics of symmetry which are relevant to the interplay of present-day mathematics and physics.

To register go to our website: https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/23498/  where the procedure for online registration is explained.  (If necessary, update your browser to view the webpage properly.) We remind you (as explained on the website) that Registration is done in two steps:

  • Scientific registration on the web site of the conference
  • Administrative registration and payment of the  fees, on the link given when you proceed to the scientific registration.

For both steps you will receive an e-mail of confirmation.

Due to an oversight, non-institutional addresses were not accepted by the system Indico for scientific registration before today. This  has now been corrected and any legitimate e-mail address can be used for registration.  Consequently we have extended the early registration  deadline to May 31. (The deadline for registration remains June 13). This means that people who register before Mai 31 will not have to pay the  supplement of 50 euros.

For participants  not  able to visit Strasbourg,  there will be the possibility to give their lecture remotely and all sessions (plenary and parallel) will be live-streamed (via a connection ID which will be circulated in due time). Conference fees will be the same for on-line and in-person participants.

Looking forward to seeing you in Strasbourg!

On behalf of the Organising Committee,

Michel Rausch de Traubenberg

Organizing Committee:

  • Michel Rausch de Traubenberg (Chair), IPHC/ University of Strasbourg.
  • Rutwig Campoamor-Strusberg, Complutense, Madrid.
  • Marc de Montigny, University of Alberta, Edmonton.
  • Idrish Huet, FCFM/UNACH, Mexico.
  • Kamila Sieja, IPHC, University of Strasbourg.
  • Marcus Slupinski, IRMA/ University of Strasbourg.
  • Fabrice Thalmann, ICS/ University of Strasbourg.
  • Mauricio Valenzuela, Centro de Estudios Cientcos (CECs), Valdivia.
  • Joris Van der Jeugt, Ghent University.
  • Guillaume Weick, IPCMS/ University of Strasbourg.

Topics for parallel sessions:

  • Representation theory
  • Symmetries in integrable systems
  • Symmetries in differential, difference and nonlinear equations
  • Infinite dimensional symmetries and supersymmetries
  • PT-symmetries, dynamical symmetries and superintegrability
  • Loop algebras, W-algebras, polynomial algebras
  • Q-algebras and groups, q-special functions
  • Superstrings, cosmology and quantum gravity
  • Conformal field theory
  • Foundations of quantum physics
  • Symmetries in particle physics
  • Noncommutative field theories
  • Symmetries in molecular, atomic and nuclear physics
  • Quantum optics, coherent states and quantum information
  • Condensed matter and statistical physics
  • Symmetries in biophysics, chemical physics and natural sciences

Key dates:

  • Registration open:  January  20 2022
  • Early registration deadline with discount:  May 31
  • Registration deadline June 13