WP4 Provenance Workshop


Provenance information helps to explore the traceability of products, find contact information and acknowledge people. Providing provenance information allows a user to assess the quality and reliability of the products. If the stored information is sufficiently fine grained, it is possible to enable the reproducibility of an activity or sequence of activities.

Recently the IVOA released a standard to structure provenance metadata and several implementations are in development in order to capture, store, access and visualize the provenance of astronomy data products. This meeting will focus on technical solutions with presentations, demonstrations, hands-on sessions and discussions. The objective is also to collect the requirements of ESFRI projects in order to build the road map of future developments.

The IVOA Provenance data model can be found here:

This workshop was accessible online through the Zoom visioconference system.

Organizing committee:
Mathieu Servillat
Catherine Boisson
François Bonnarel
Mireille Louys
Michèle Sanguillon


  • Alan Loh
  • Alessandra Zanichelli
  • Baptiste Cecconi
  • Catherine Boisson
  • Des Small
  • François Bonnarel
  • Gilles Landais
  • Hanno Holties
  • Harro Verkouter
  • Hendrik Heinl
  • Jean Aboudarham
  • Jose Enrique Ruiz
  • Jutta Schnabel
  • Marco Molinaro
  • Mark Allen
  • Mark Kettenis
  • Martina Vicinanza
  • Mathieu Servillat
  • Matthias Fuessling
  • Mattia Mancini
  • Michèle Sanguillon
  • Mireille Louys
  • Sara Bertocco
  • Sonny Lion
  • Tamas Gal
  • Veronique Delouille
  • Vincenzo Galluzzi
  • Yan Grange
    • 14:00 15:40
      Provenance model and tools

      Presentations of the IVOA data model, detailed presentations of related existing implementations, including demonstrations

    • 15:40 16:00
      Coffee break 20m
    • 16:00 17:00
      Use cases and requirements within projects

      Presentations and discussion on use cases concerning the ESCAPE ESFRI and related projects

      • 16:00
        VizieR catalogs 20m
        Orateur: Gilles Landais (CDS)
      • 16:20
        Multi-frequency polarimetry of extragalactic radio sources 20m

        The high-frequency (> 20 GHz), bright flux density (> 200 mJy) extragalactic radio sources (ERSs) population is dominated by blazars. Multi-frequency (and multi-epoch) polarimetry is invaluable to study magnetic fields and plasma in the inner and unresolved regions of their relativistic jets. Moreover, as ERSs constitute an important foreground for CMB, such studies are also crucial for Cosmology, e.g. in the search for primordial B-modes associated to inflation in the Early Universe. In this talk I will focus on radio-interferometric observations performed with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) and the Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array (ALMA), and their associated data products (from calibrated visibilities and radio maps to more advanced products resulting from analysis, e.g. catalogues and source counts). I will also briefly address those ancillary products which may be relevant for quality assessment, reproducibility or data reprocessing. Then, I will summarize provenance requirements from similar projects and present how we already performed the capture, storage and distribution of provenance information.

        Orateur: Vincenzo Galluzzi (INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste)
      • 16:40
        KM3NeT 20m
        Orateurs: Jutta Schnabel (Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg), Tamas Gal (ECAP / FAU)
    • 09:30 12:30
      Use cases and requirements within projects

      Presentations and discussion on use cases concerning the ESCAPE ESFRI and related projects

      • 09:30
        LST: Large Size Telescope prototype for CTA 20m
        Orateur: Jose Enrique Ruiz
      • 09:50
        BASS2000: Solar Survey Archive 20m
        Orateur: Jean Aboudarham (LESIA/PADC - Observatoire de Paris/PSL)
      • 10:10
        HEK database: solar events using VOEvent 20m

        The SPoCA-suite provide two modules, one for Active Region (AR) detection, and one for Coronal Holes(CH) detection, to the SDO Event Detection System (EDS). It runs in near-real times at Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory. Every four hours, the EDS generates and uploads the SPoCA entries into the AR and CH Catalogs of the HEK or Heliophysics Events Knowledgebase.

        The VOEvent standard of 2006 is used in the HEK. In this talk, we analyze the provenance information that is encoded in the field of the VOEvent for the SPoCA-AR and SPoCA-CH event, and discuss how this information could be completed or reorganized in view the proposed provenance data model.

        Orateur: Veronique Delouille (STCE/Royal Observatory of Belgium)
      • 10:30
        NenuFAR / ExPRES 20m
        Orateurs: Alan Loh, M. Baptiste Cecconi (Observatoire de Paris)
      • 10:50
        Coffee break 20m
      • 11:10
        LOFAR / APERTIF / WSRT surveys 20m
        Orateurs: Mattia Mancini, M. Yan Grange (ASTRON, the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy)
      • 11:30
        European VLBI Network (EVN) Archive 20m

        In this use-case presentation the EVN Archive and its provenance challenges will be presented.

        The EVN is a proposal-driven open-access instrument for VLBI astronomy. There is considerable interest -- not least from funding agencies -- about the conversion of the data taken into papers published in the scientific literature (which in our case can be restricted to those registered in the Harvard-hosted register, ADS). JIVE is currently working on schemas to record this information and investigating tooling to harvest it (semi-)automatically.

        Orateurs: Des Small (JIVE), Harro Verkouter (Joint Institute for VLBI ERIC), Mark Kettenis (JIVE)
      • 11:50
        Italian Radio Data Archive 20m
        Orateur: Alessandra Zanichelli
    • 14:00 16:00
      Discussion on solutions, demonstrations and conclusions

      Discussion on the various developments required, with initial technical specifications for the solutions