29 novembre 2019
Collège de France
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Conception and optimisation of Micro-Pattern Gas Detectors for the future Electron-Ion Collider

Non programmé
Amphitéâtre Marguerite de Navarre (Collège de France)

Amphitéâtre Marguerite de Navarre

Collège de France

Poster Physics Lunch & Posters session


Maxence Revolle (CEA Saclay)


Micro-Pattern Gas Detectors (MPGD) are now commonly used in particle physics experiences (COMPASS,ALICE,ATLAS...), mainly as a particle tracker. For the new Electron Ion Collider (EIC) in the USA, planned for 2030, a collaboration between CEA-Saclay, Brookhaven National Laboratory and Stony Brooks University have been created with the goal of improving MPGDs based tracking chambers. By using "zigzag" readout pattern instead of the standard straight parallel strips, we are proving that it is possible to reduce the number of strips by at least a factor of 2 and still achieve a spatial resolution better than 100um thus reducing the cost of the instrument.

Three different MPGDs technologies are studied and compared : Micromegas, micro-RWell and GEM. The principle of the Zigzags readout will be presented followed by recent results of the characterisation using a proton beam done earlier this year showing an improvement of the spatial resolution.


Particle physics/EIC/MPGD

Language English

Auteur principal

Maxence Revolle (CEA Saclay)

Documents de présentation

Aucun document.