13–17 sept. 2021
São José dos Campos, Brazil
Fuseau horaire America/Sao_Paulo

Low energy constituent quark couplings from a dynamical approach

13 sept. 2021, 11:10
São José dos Campos, Brazil

São José dos Campos, Brazil

Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica
Seminar Seminars


Dr Fabio Braghin (IF-UFG)


Recent work on the derivation of light quark-antiquark mesons couplings to baryon’s constituent quarks will be presented by starting from a quark-quark interaction mediated by one non-nonperturbative gluon exchange. Some well known methods are considered and they provide complete well known effective models with their parameters such as coupling constants, and also form factors and averaged quadratic radii. These quantities are written in terms of components of quark and non perturbative gluon propagators, of the quark-gluon (running) coupling constant and u and d quark masses. Among the resuling couplings there is a whole constituent quark Large Nc EFT proposed by Weinberg with its electromagnetic couplings. Light vector and axial mesons couplings to constituent quarks and to the photon are also obtained in such dynamical way. Some effects of a relatively weak magnetic field on all these couplings may be shortly addressed. The constituent quark-level Goldberger Treiman and the GellMann Oakes Renner relations are obtained among other new relations.

Auteur principal

Dr Fabio Braghin (IF-UFG)

Documents de présentation