Participant map made with tools that will be learnt during the school and using the table on this page.
N⁰ | First Name | Last Name | Institute/University | Country |
1 | Irene | Bolognino | Subatech, CNRS | France |
2 | Franca | Cassol | CPPM, CNRS | France |
3 | Arkadip | Basak | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands |
4 | Marc | Costa | European Space and Astronomy Center | Spain |
5 | Vladimir | Domcek | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands |
6 | Johannes | Schumann | ECAP | Germany |
7 | Eva | Laplace | API, University of Amsterdam | Netherlands |
8 | Julia | Marín-Yaseli de la Parra | ESA | Spain |
9 | Dirk | Petry | ESO | Germany |
10 | Mehmet Deniz | Aksulu | University of Amsterdam, Anton Pannekoek Institute | Netherlands |
11 | Alex | Cooper | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands |
12 | Elia | Chiaraluce | National Institute of Astrophysics - IAPS | Italy |
13 | Katja | Fahrion | ESO | Germany |
14 | Andrea | Bignamini | INAF-OATs | Italy |
15 | Hanneke | Poorta | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands |
16 | Valentina | Peirano Bastias | Kapteyn Astronomical Institute | Netherlands |
17 | Andrea | Grimaldi | TIFPA | Italy |
18 | Taras | Yakobchuk | Leibniz Institute for Solar Physics (KIS) | Germany |
19 | Yu Wun | Wong | FAU Erlangen-Nuernberg | Germany |
20 | Carl | Schaffer | Leibniz Institut für Sonnenphysik (KIS) | Germany |
21 | Gábor | Galgóczi | Wigner RCP of HAS | Hungary |
22 | Matthias | Schubert | Kiepenheuer Institut | Germany |
23 | Louise | Mousset | APC, CNRS | France |
24 | Claudia | Ravasio | Università degli Studi di Milano | Italy |
25 | Sabrina | Realini | Università degli Studi di Milano | Italy |
26 | Sarah | Casura | University of Hamburg | Germany |
27 | Kristina | Rackovic Babic | Faculty of Mathematics | Serbia |
28 | Gergely | Dálya | Eötvös Loránd University | Hungary |
29 | Stefano | Mandelli | University of Milan | Italy |
30 | Caroline | Gieser | Max Planck Institute for Astronomy | Germany |
31 | Frederica | Simonetto | Università degli Studi di Milano | Italy |
32 | Marina | Ricci | LAPP, CNRS | France |
33 | Safir | Yahia-Cherif | IRAP | France |
34 | Sanja | Lazarevic | Astronomical Observatory | Serbia |
35 | Rémi | Adam | LLR, CRNS | France |
36 | Guillaume | Stankowiak | Laboratoire d'Astroparticules et de Cosmologie | France |
37 | Tristan | Blaineau | LAL, CNRS | France |
38 | Sreevarsha | Sreejith | Laboratoire de Physique de Clermont | France |
39 | Connor | Duffy | University of Leicester | United Kingdom |
40 | Kjell | Koch-Mehrin | University of Leicester | United Kingdom |
41 | Miroslav | Fedurco | Pavol Jozef šafárik University in Košice | Slovakia |
42 | Carole | Perigois | LAPP, CNRS | France |
43 | Ugo Niccolò | Di Carlo | Università degli Studi dell'Insubria | Italy |
44 | Serena | Banfi | Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna | Italy |
45 | Abdeldjalil | Zaidi | University of Bejaia | Algeria |
46 | Andrew | Miller | Sapienza University of Rome/INFN | Italy |
47 | Chiara | Stuardi | University of Bologna | Italy |
48 | Charlotte | Simmonds | Université de Genève | Switzerland |
49 | Anke | Yusafzai | CEA Irfu | France |
50 | Theodoros | Papanikolaou | Laboratoire AstroParticule et Cosmologie | France |
51 | Pavel | Mancera Piña | Kapteyn Astronomical Institute & ASTRON | Netherland |
52 | Nadia | Biava | Università di Bologna | Italy |
53 | Karolina | Śniadkowska | University of Warmia and Mazury | Poland |
54 | Daria | Desiderà | University of Padova | Italy |
55 | Dóra | Tarczay-Nehéz | Hungarian Academy of Sciences | Hungary |
56 | Francesco | Lucarelli | University of Geneva | Switzerland |
57 | Andrea | Afruni | Kapteyn Astronomical Institute | Netherlands |
58 | Arshia | Ruina | University of Bonn | Germany |
59 | Alejandra | Aguirre-Santaella | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | Spain |