Réunion Euclid-France Clustering 2018

Port-Pin (CPPM)



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      Orateurs: Stephanie Escoffier (CNRS/IN2P3/CPPM), Sylvain de la Torre (LAM)
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      Round table
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      What can a homogeneity scale tell us about the universe?

      In the era of the upcoming stage IV surveys, the sky will be more revealing than ever. In this talk, I will summarise the way to measure the homogeneity scale from the latest DR12 CMASS galaxy sample of the SDSS-III survey. I will show what we can learn further about the large scale structures from these measurements. Finally, I will show some predictions of this statistic for future surveys.

      Orateur: Pierros Ntelis (Astroparticule et Cosmology Group)
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      BAO with DT Voids
      Orateur: Charling TAO (CPPM)
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      BAO reconstruction by Numerical Action Method: upgrade
      Orateur: Mme Elena Sarpa (LAM)
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      From local biases to precision cosmology
      Orateur: Jenny Sorce (CRAL)
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      Multivariate analysis of cosmic void characteristics
      Orateur: Marie-Claude Cousinou (CPPM)
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      Status of the New Probe WP
      Orateur: Adam James Hawken (CPPM)
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      Euclid Deep Field simulations
      Orateur: Matthieu Béthermin (LAM)
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      Euclid GC observational systematics report
      Orateur: Sylvain de la Torre (LAM)
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