This year's ENS summer institute will take place from August 20th to August 29th. We will kick off the institute with a three day conference dedicated to the recent progress in our understanding of quantum theories in 6d, ranging from the classification program of 6d superconformal field theories via F-theory engineering, to computational techniques based on localisation, the topological string, and much more. The ensuing days will proceed at a more leisurely pace, leaving ample time for interaction and collaboration. During the second week of the institute, David Tong will give a three part lecture on the topic of 3d dualities.
- Christopher Beem
- Sergio Benvenuti
- Francis Brown
- Cyril Closset
- Michele Del Zotto
- Guido Festuccia
- Amihay Hanany
- Kenneth Intriligator
- Hans Jockers
- Henrik Johansson
- Seok Kim
- Albrecht Klemm
- Guglielmo Lockhart
- Andre Lukas
- David Morrison
- João Penedones
- Amit Sever
- David Tong
- Stefan Vandoren
- Konstantin Zarembo